Dedicated a scientific seminar to the 80th anniversary of the birth of the honorary scientist of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Temirbolat Serikkali Eskaliuly, "Serikkali Temirbolat" published in the series "Onegelі omir".


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17-18 of January, 2018 at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of the al-Farabi Kazakh National University, dedicated a scientific seminar to the 80th anniversary of the birth of the honorary scientist of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Temirbolat Serikkali Eskaliuly, "Serikkali Temirbolat" published in the series "Onegelі omir".

A scientific seminar dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the birth of Temirbolat Serikkali Eskaliuly was organized by the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Al-Farabi KazNU jointly with the Institute of Theoretical Mathematics and Scientific Computing of the ENU. The well-known scientists Temirgaliyev Nurlan, Bektemesov Maktagali, Suleimenov Zhusip, Aisagaliev Serikbay, Sikhov Mirbolat, Toqybetov Zhanuzak, Kanguzhin Baltabek, Tursynbek Yeldesbai, Abenov Maksut, Gabbasov Mars, Abilkairov Ondasyn, Durmagambetov Aset and Baibekov Seitkasym made a report at the seminar. The scientific seminar was conducted in Kazakh and Russian languages. Some scientific works of Temirbolat Serikkali Eskaliuly were noted, results on the direction "Inverse and Ill-posed Problems" were presented, which were founded by Temirbolatov Serikkali Eskaliuly. Also, topical issues of mathematical education, noted in the message of Elbasy, were discussed: "Human capital is the basis for modernization, it is necessary to accelerate the creation of an advanced educational system covering citizens of all ages".

18 of January , under the leadership of the rector of the al-Farabi Kazakh National University and academician Galymkaira Mutanov, was the presentation of the book "Serikuali Temirbolat", which was published in the " Onegelі omir" series. Opening the presentation, the rector of the University G. Mutanov, noted the importance of mathematical education in modern requirements. The presentation was attended by the rector of the University Mutanov Galimkair, deputy head of the office of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Bakhytzhan Temirbolat, the first vice-rector of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay Bektemesov Maktagali, dean of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics Zhakebayev Dauren, head of the Department of Differential Equations and Control Theory Muratkhan Daulbayev, colleagues Temirbolat Serikkali Eskaliuly, the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics and students. At the presentation meeting, marked the life of Professor Temirbolatov Serikkali Eskaliuly, achievements in the field of science and education were announced. The event was organized by the Department of Differential Equations and Control Theory of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics.

Deputy Head of the Department of Differential Equations and Management Theory of Scientific Innovation Work and International Relations PhD, acting assistant of Professor Kаssenov Syrym Erkinovich.