




The UNDP / GEF / Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan Project “Integrated Conservation of Priority Globally Significant Migratory Bird Wetland Habitat: Demonstration at Three Project Sites’ in collaboration with the Secretariat of the Ramsar Convention (Switzerland) carries an international scientific-practical “Conference "Conservation and sustainable use of wetlands’ ecosystems”, dedicated to the Ramsar Convention 40th Anniversary. The event will be held from 11 to 14 May 2011.

The aim of the conference

Demonstration of the wetlands conservation impact in the Central Asian countries, exchanging experience in biodiversity conservation, improvement of national legislation on the wetlands ecosystems conservation, improvement of the network of protected areas and the introduction of alternative activities for the conservation and sustainable use of wetlands.

The basic field of the conference work and the requirements for registration materials are available on the conservation of wetlands project site on the following link:


Department of sinology has organized a meeting with National Coordinator of the Republic of Kazakhstan in SCO


Shakizatovich ,the National Coordinator of the Republic of Kazakhstan in SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organization), ambassador of special orders in the Foreign Affairs Ministry of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Sarsenbekov Valikhanov, the second secretary of the management of the SCO Foreign Ministry of Kazakhstan. During the meeting Shahrat Shakizatovich told the activities of the SCO and the role of Kazakhstan in Central Asia.




Chair of Korean study of the faculty of Oriental studies on 23st of February 2011 held an exciting competition – intellectual game «What do we know about Korea?»

The aim: to introduce Korea to Kazakhstan, to increase motivation to study Korean language, to develop international relations with Korean organizations in Kazakhstan


Association of Koreans in Kazakhstan – the president Kim Roman Uhenovich

Almaty Korean educational center – the director Kan Song Chol

KISR - general specialist, doctor of history, professor Kim German Nikolaevich

Abai KazNPU – doctor of politics, professor Men Dmitriy Volbonovich


Conference of young scientists Akinzhanov readings


On February, 23rd, 2011 there passed traditional conference of young scientists "Akinzhanovsky readings". At conference young scientists of Institute of archeology of A.H.Margulana and the Center of Archeology and ethnology of historical faculty acted, and also students and undergraduates of our faculty and Zhetysu State University and the East Kazakhstan State University took part.


Debating tournament for a cup of «Сұңқар»


On February, 15th, 2011 at faculty of the International relations of the Kazakh National university there was a debating tournament among 1-course students for a cup «Сұңқар», devoted to the 20 anniversary of Independence of Republic of Kazakhstan. The organizer of the given tournament is the trade union «Сұңқар». The basic subjects of debate were social problems which debaters tried to solve.


Казахский национальный университет примет участие в выставке «Международное образование».


27 февраля 2011г., в воскресенье, Казахский национальный университет примет участие в выставке «Международное образование». На выставке Вы сможете пообщаться с представителями вуза, узнать наиболее актуальную информацию о правилах поступления в текущем году, Летнем семестре, образовательных программах магистратуры, докторантуры, получить консультации по всем интересующим Вас вопросам.


Курсы иностранного языка


Центр Прикладной лингвистики и Межкультурной

коммуникации при Казну им. аль.-Фараби

Приглашает Вас!

На курсы английского языка

(с зарубежными специалистами и опытными преподавателями )

н а б о р уже начался

* Казахский , русский языки как иностранный

* французский, испанский, немецкий


14 000 тг Занятия с 6:00-8:00

Центр международного сотрудничества КазНУ (рядом с ФМО), офис № 9 Тел: 377-35-16


Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and National Engineering Academy of Republic of Kazakhstan are pleased to invite you to the First International Dzholdasbekov's Symposium on Mechanics to be held at the 1-2 of March, 2011 in Almaty, Kazakhstan


Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and National Engineering Academy of Republic of Kazakhstan are pleased to invite you to the First International Dzholdasbekov's Symposium on Mechanics to be held at the 1-2 of March, 2011 in Almaty, Kazakhstan. This Symposium is dedicated to the memory of the outstanding scientist, the organizer of a science and education, the eminent public and political figure, the founder of school of robotics and theory of mechanisms and machines in Kazakhstan academician Umirbek Arislanovich Dzholdasbekov.

The Symposium purpose and aims are discussion of achievements and development prospects of the present mechanics, strengthening of the international contacts and expansion of collaboration between the Kazakhstan scientists and the scientists from the other countries.


Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and National Engineering Academy of Republic of Kazakhstan are pleased to invite you to the First International Dzholdasbekov's Symposium on Mechanics to be held at the 1-2 of March, 2011 in Almaty, Kazakhstan


Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and National Engineering Academy of Republic of Kazakhstan are pleased to invite you to the First International Dzholdasbekov's Symposium on Mechanics to be held at the 1-2 of March, 2011 in Almaty, Kazakhstan. This Symposium is dedicated to the memory of the outstanding scientist, the organizer of a science and education, the eminent public and political figure, the founder of school of robotics and theory of mechanisms and machines in Kazakhstan academician Umirbek Arislanovich Dzholdasbekov.

The Symposium purpose and aims are discussion of achievements and development prospects of the present mechanics, strengthening of the international contacts and expansion of collaboration between the Kazakhstan scientists and the scientists from the other countries.


Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and National Engineering Academy of Republic of Kazakhstan are pleased to invite you to the First International Dzholdasbekov's Symposium on Mechanics to be held at the 1-2 of March, 2011 in Almaty, Kazakhstan


Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and National Engineering Academy of Republic of Kazakhstan are pleased to invite you to the First International Dzholdasbekov's Symposium on Mechanics to be held at the 1-2 of March, 2011 in Almaty, Kazakhstan. This Symposium is dedicated to the memory of the outstanding scientist, the organizer of a science and education, the eminent public and political figure, the founder of school of robotics and theory of mechanisms and machines in Kazakhstan academician Umirbek Arislanovich Dzholdasbekov.

The Symposium purpose and aims are discussion of achievements and development prospects of the present mechanics, strengthening of the international contacts and expansion of collaboration between the Kazakhstan scientists and the scientists from the other countries.


Scientific seminar in English


On February, 11th, 2011 the First Vice-Rector of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Doctor of Chemistry, Professor Mukash Burkitbayev has acted with the report on a theme: «Radioecological condition in the territory of Kazakhstan» in a traditional scientific seminar of the Chemical Faculty.


Scientific seminar in English


On February, 11th, 2011 the First Vice-Rector of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Doctor of Chemistry, Professor Mukash Burkitbayev has acted with the report on a theme: «Radioecological condition in the territory of Kazakhstan» in a traditional scientific seminar of the Chemical Faculty.


Meeting with scientist


February 11, 2011 meeting «Ғибрат алар ғұмыр» with microbiologist scientist, academician KazNAU, Sc.D., Professor Zhubanovа Azhar Akhmetovna with students 1 and 2 courses of the Faculty of Biology. At the meeting, the students watched a film about the life and scientific activities Azhar Ahmettovny Zhubanovoy. Students vigorously debated and asked many interesting questions.


Professor of university Mimar Sinan (Turkey) gives lectures Ph.D the doctoral candidate and the undergraduate of historical faculty of university


From February, 1 till February, 15th professor Mimar of Sinansky university from Turkey A.Kara gives scientific lectures and gives valuable consultations on investigated problems Ph. D the doctoral candidate historical faculty of the Kazakh national university of it is scarlet - Farabi. Also the meeting with professorial - teaching structure of faculty is spent.


Рresentation textbooks of professor Zayadana Bolathana Kazyhanuly


February 8, 2011 at the Kazakh National University name after al-Farabi presentation textbooks professor of microbiology Zayadana Bolathana Kazyhanuly «Фототрофты микрорганизмдер биотехнологиясы», «Экологическая биотехнология фототрофных микроорганизмов», «Тағам биотехнологиясы» кітаптарының and «Микробалдырлардың таза дақылдарын бөліп алу және оларды белсенді өсіру тәсілдері». Author of textbooks Sc.D., Professor Zayadan Bolathan Kazyhanuly is a specialist in environmental monitoring, has worked at leading research centers in Russia, China, India and Turkey. Suggested books are intended for research biologists, ecologists and biotechnologists. The presentation of the textbook came to teachers and students of Biology faculty, Kazakh National University name after al-Farabi.


Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain) took a brilliant defense of the thesis of doctoral graduate PhD Al-Farabi KazNU of Abdiadil Askaruly


Іn Polytechnic University of Valencia (PUV, Spain) held a dissertation of 2010 PhD graduate A. Askaruly in Applied Mathematics. This settlement and the theoretical work that has received the highest score written under the supervision of prof. V. Arkhipov and prof. I.M. Tkachenko-Gursky under the Agreement between Kazakh National University and Polytechnic University of Valencia on the PhD program of dual diploma, signed by the rectors of the universities in 2009.


"Open day" of the department of analytical chemistry and chemistry of rare elements


The traditional "Open day" of the chair of analytical chemistry and chemistry of rare elements took place on February 4 in the dormitory 13 of the school of chemistry.

Head of the department professor Kamysbaev, director of CPCMA under al-Farabi Kazakh National University professor Nauryzbaev, professor Matakova, d.c.s. A.P. Kurbatov, d.c.s. S.A. Efremov had spoken to students. They introduced the students to the history of department, achievements and perspectives of development, characterized the basic directions of the research work, told about the modern equipment available at the department of analytical chemistry.

“The chemists’ anthem” at the end of the meeting became the unifying moment for chemists of different generations.


In the Message of President of the Republic of Kazakhstan


In the Message of President of the Republic of Kazakhstan the modern condition of a national economy has been analysed in details - by E.K.Ongarbayev /

АLMATY. On January, 28th. KazAkparat / Adilet Musakhayev/ - In the Message of President to people of Kazakhstan the modern condition of a national economy has been analysed in details and the new aims and tasks have been laid down before the Government, by Parliament and a society.

The opinion of the Dean of the Chemical faculty of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Yerdos Ongarbayev to the journalist KazAkparat about it.


Создана оперативная рабочая группа по ситуационному управлению


В целях оперативного реагирования и решения вопросов учебного процесса, а также своевременного принятия решения по социально-бытовым вопросам студентов создана оперативная рабочая группа по ситуационному управлению в следующем составе:

Жусупов К.З., руководитель аппарата ректора

телефон: вн.1361

Члены группы:

Балакаева Г.Т., директор департамента по академическим вопросам;

телефоны: вн.1195; 3773313;

Сарсенбекова Г.А., директор департамента по языкам и воспитательной работе;

телефоны: вн. 1160; 3773315;

Нургазин М.С., директор департамента производства;

телефоны: вн. 1169; 3773327;

Молдабаева А.С., директор департамента по финансово-экономической работе;

телефоны: вн. 1180; 3773317;

Сейтжанов А.А., заместитель руководителя аппарата ректора, директор студенческого городка;

телефон: вн.1296;

Ким А.С., руководитель службы внутренней безопасности;

телефон: вн.1176


Проект Корпорация Microsoft «Imagine Cup Solve This»


Корпорация Microsoft объявила о создании «банка» социально значимых идей Solve This Imagine Cup, который призван привлечь студентов к решению самых острых мировых проблем. Студенты КазНУ в рамках Imagine Cup смогут принять участие в разработке инновационных высокотехнологичных решений задач, которыми занимаются межправительственные, общественные и некоммерческие организации.


Проект Корпорация Microsoft «Imagine Cup Solve This»


Корпорация Microsoft объявила о создании «банка» социально значимых идей Solve This Imagine Cup, который призван привлечь студентов к решению самых острых мировых проблем. Студенты КазНУ в рамках Imagine Cup смогут принять участие в разработке инновационных высокотехнологичных решений задач, которыми занимаются межправительственные, общественные и некоммерческие организации.


Dear colleagues and students!


We invite you to meet with scientists, microbiologists, academician KazNANS, Ph.D., professor ZHUBANOV AZHAR AKHMETOVNA be held february 11, 2011, 1600-1700 hours Venue: 2 aktvy Hall Faculty of Biology


Компания «Эрнст энд Янг» приглашает тебя принять участие во втором казахстанском конкурсе бизнес-планов Ernst & Young Business Plan Contest 2011


Если тебе интересно воплощать свои идеи в жизнь, нравится ставить перед собой и решать нестандартные задачи, ты стремишься применить полученные теоретические знания на практике, тогда Ernst & Young Business Plan Contest2011 ― это отличная возможность заявить о себе!


Advances in Applied Physics and Materials Science Congress


On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we are pleased to invite you to participate to “Advances in Applied Physics and Materials Science Congress” which will be held from 12 to 15 May 2011 in Antalya (Turkey).

APMAS 2011 intends to be a global forum for researchers and engineers to present and discuss recent innovations and new techniques in Applied Physics and Materials Science.

Other topics will also be included in this conference, such as Computational Physics and Mathematics, Nonlinear dynamics and complex systems, Complexity and physics, Nano-science and mathematics, Computational nonlinear mechanics, Biological complexity and genetics, Chaotic systems, Nonlinear science and applications and Fractional dynamical systems.


Компания «Эрнст энд Янг» приглашает студентов, выпускников принять участие во втором казахстанском конкурсе бизнес-планов Ernst & Young Business Plan Contest 2011


Если тебе интересно воплощать свои идеи в жизнь, нравится ставить перед собой и решать нестандартные задачи, ты стремишься применить полученные теоретические знания на практике, тогда Ernst & Young Business Plan Contest2011 - это отличная возможность заявить о себе! Продемонстрируй свои знания и творческий подход в разработке жизнеспособного бизнес-плана для компании ― продукта или услуги насвойвыбор.


Конкурс «Казахстан и ВТО».


Региональным проектом USAID по либерализации торговли и таможенной реформе совместно с АО «Центр развития торговой политики» при Министерстве экономического развития и торговли РК проводится конкурс «Казахстан и ВТО». Для участия в конкурсе необходимо до 28 февраля 2011 года предоставить эссе на русском и английском языках в объеме е более 15 страниц.


Мұқағали Мақатаевтың 80 жылдық мерейтойына байланысты "Ең бірінші бақытым-халқым менің" атты әдеби-музыкалық кеш өтті


29 қаңтар 2011 жылы механика-математика факультетінде "математика" кафедраларының және аға куратор-эдвайзер Сүлейменова Зоя Ізтелеу қызының ұйымдастыруымен ғасыр ақыны Мұқағали Мақатаевтың 80 жылдық мерейтойына байланысты "Ең бірінші бақытым-халқым менің" атты әдеби-музыкалық кеш өтті. Кешке Халықаралық Алаш сыйлығының иегері, белгілі ақын Оразақын Асқар және Ақынның ұлы Жұлдыз Мақатаев пен келіні Бақыткүл, Қазақстан телерадио корпорациясының "Қайырлы таң, Қазақ елі!" таңғы бағдарламасының бас редакторы Бақыт Жағыпар ұлы қатысып, ақынның өмірі мен творчествосы туралы кең ауқымды мәліметтер айтты.