Republican media

Publications in the media


Title of the article
S. Mustafauly, A.A. Arzykulov Military name in Chinese terms and historical ties between China and Kazakh Mustafauly С, Арзыулов А.pdf 2023 
N.A. Aldabek China's strategic goals and positions in international organizations 1836-1-4471-1-10-20220714.pdf 2023 
E. A. Kerimbayev, H. Sharypkazy Rapid spread of Chinese language and culture within the framework of "One Belt – One Road" in Kazakhstan Керимбаев Шарипказы.pdf 2023 
Kayranbaeva N.N.
Traditional holiday "Turetskaya week"in kaznu. Al-Farabi
Түркі әлемі-3-2023.pdf 2023
Dosymbekova R.O.  Forward to new heights together with Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
Түркі әлемі-11-2022 .pdf 2022
Dosymbekova R.O.
A young scientist should be a harbinger of fresh ideas
Жас ғалым тың идеялардың жаршысы болуы керек.pdf 2022
Tazabekova G.B.
나의 승리와 미래의 목적 «Коре ильбо». 42 (1840) 4 ноября 2022 года.pdf 2022

Ashinova Zh.E., Tazabekova G.B.

나의 승리와 미래의 목적 «Коре ильбо». 49 (1847) 23 .12. 2022 года.pdf 2022
Tazabekova G.B. Saudanbekova Sh.T.
International Fair" Education in Japan-2022"
 45 №12 (260). 01.12.2022г..pdf 2022
Lee Beng Jo
인민의 추억은 영원하다 KI.04.06.2021.pdf 2022
Lee Beng Jo
The Olympiad in local history has been successfully completed
KI.06.05.2022.pdf  2022 
Пак Т. 카자흐국립대 새해맞이 나우르즈 축제  KI.08.04.2022.pdf  2022 
Sailaukenova A.
한국국제교류재단장학금 전달식과 한국학 발전  KI.11.02.2022.pdf  2022 
Jung Wonka
호칭에 대하여  KI.18.03.2022.pdf  2022 
Lee Beng Jo
Professor Lee Beng Jo was awarded the "Certificate of Honor of the Prime Minister"
KI.21.01.2022.pdf 2022 
Ashinova Zh.E., Tazabekova G.B.
Celebration of the 30th anniversary of the formation of the Department of Japanese Studies of the Kazakh National University
«Коре ильбо». 49 (1847) 23 .12. 2022 года.pdf 2022 
Lee Beng Jo
카자흐국립대동방학부 “졸업생의날”  KI.11.06.2021.pdf   2021 
Tazabekova G.B.
My job is my future
KI.29.10.2021.pdf  2021 
Lee Beng Jo
Shinhan Bank Scholarship Award Ceremony
KI.31.12.2021.pdf  2021