Awards and achievements of staff

Department of the Far East

KF Global e-School Korean Language

Сертификаты 2022-2023.rar

Advanced training course for teachers
07.06-14.10.2022 the teaching staff of the Department of the Far East took part and successfully completed a 72-hour teacher training course Korean language organized by Sukmen University.

Сертификаты курс подготовки учителей.pdf

Advanced training course for teachers
27.06.-29.06.2022 the teaching staff of the Department of the Far East took part in a seminar for teachers of the Korean language in 2022, organized by the Education Center at the Embassy of the Republic of Korea and the Association of Korean Schools in Kazakhstan with the support of the Foundation for Foreign Koreans.

Курс повышении квалификации преподавателей.pdf

 Turksoy department

Professional development course for teachers


On 09.-28.01.2023, the teaching staff of the Turksoy department took part and successfully completed the 72-hour international scientific seminar "International Modern Lexicolography Researches" organized by Eskisehir Osmangazi University.

International Modern Lexicolography Researches.pdf

Professional development course for teachers


On 25.11.-26.12.2022, the teachers of the Department of Turksoy took part and successfully completed a 72-hour offline course on the topic "Basic Research Methods in Linguistics". The course was taught by the specially invited professor of Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Doctor of Philosophy Erdogan Boz.

Курс повышения квалификации преподавателей.pdf

Professional development course for teachers


From October 3 to October 29, 2022, the teachers of the Turksoy department (Abeldaev Zh., Nazarova A, Temenova G., Shuinshina-Meta N., Kairanbayeva N.) took part and successfully completed the 72-hour full-time and online course "Research in the field of folklore and folk literature, methods of collection and classification". The course was organized by the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay in cooperation with Ardahan University in Turkey. The course was taught by Erdogan Altinkaynak, Doctor of the Department of Turkish Language and Literature of the Faculty of Humanities and Literature, Professor of Ardahan University.

Иссл. в обл. фольклора и народной литературы.pdf

Professional development course for teachers


On May 20, 2022, the teachers of the department Turksoy G.Temenova and A.Kurmanali took an online course on the topic "Theory and practice of creating online courses" from the University of Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, offered on Courseera.

Coursera Certificate Құрманәлі2022.pdf



Department of Chinese Studies


Сертификаты преподавателей китаеведения.pdf