The open event "Introduction to new methods of dealing with the consequences of emergency situations" in accordance with the work plan of the scientific research and practical circle "Rescuer" of the UNESCO Department of Sustainable Development of the Faculty of Geography and Env


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On April 12, PhD of the UNESCO Department of Sustainable Development of the Faculty of Geography and Environmental Management, senior lecturer N.K. Jacksenbaev, senior lecturer PhD, A. T. Isanbekova, senior lecturer PhD, S. T. Kaldybayeva took part in the scientific research and practical circle "Rescuer" held an open event on the topic "Acquaintance with new methods dealing with the consequences of emergency situations." This event was attended by 3rd year students of the specialty 6B11201-environmental protection and Life Safety at the UNESCO Department of Sustainable Development of the Faculty of Geography and Environmental Management, 1st and 2nd year students of this specialty. In this regard, it should be noted that the open event was held for the purpose of the scientific research and practical circle "Lifeguard". The head of the group explained to the students the purpose of the scientific research and practical circle "Lifeguard". It was reported how important this is for our country. The students alternately reported that it is necessary to familiarize themselves with new methods of dealing with the consequences of emergency situations, Almaty is located in a seismic zone where small underground tremors regularly occur. However, only four major earthquakes have occurred here in the last 120 years. You should know what to do in case of an earthquake, but you don't have to be afraid of it. The students showed how to defend themselves in case of an earthquake, indicated that they need to act according to the specified instructions. Summing up the open event hour, I would like to say that there is a deep meaning in one of the mouths of the wise people, we will always save ourselves and those who are nearby.