Intelligent modeling


Views: 2022

The leader of the circle: : Kabdrakhova S.S., c.f.-m.s., senior lecturer at the Department of Computer Science
Saturday 13:00

Audience: 313

Cost: Free

The course is intended for: students of 3-4 courses and undergraduates


Course Objective: The purpose of the "intelligent modeling" circle is to teach you how to use intelligent modeling methods in large databases. Study of predictive modeling methods and practical implementation of building LV models in accordance with the data.

Description: As a result of mastering the course, students:

1. can characterize the essence and purpose of intelligent modeling;

2. they will know the technology for modeling large amounts of data;

3. can implement various methods for selecting optimal parameters for predictive modeling methods;

4. design linear and nonlinear predictive and classification models and apply them to specific tasks;

5. they can choose the optimal solution for specific tasks using methods of intelligent modeling and programming environment, work in a group and implement group projects.

The circle is mainly of theoretical and laboratory type. The plan shows the application of intelligent modeling algorithms to various data and their implementation.