Python programming basics


Views: 2554

The leader of the circle: Kabdrakhova S.S., c.f.-m.s., senior lecturer at the Department of Computer Science: Wednesday 16:00

Cost: Free

The course is intended for: students of 2-4 courses and undergraduates


Course Objective: - teaching students who want to learn the programming language to write simple programs in Python. Developing students ' logical thinking and improving the level of General mathematical culture. Provide specific information about programming technology and its structure and teach students how to use them.


Description: As a result of mastering the course, students will learn how to process and store numbers, texts and their sets, master the standard Python language library and be able to automate the tasks of collecting and processing data. The course provides the necessary basis for the development of more specialized areas of application of the Python language, such as machine learning, statistical data processing, data visualization, and many others. Students will also learn the basics of various programming paradigms: procedural, functional and object-oriented programming.