PhD program


The doctoral studies are accepted citizens who have mastered the professional curriculum of higher education in the relevant specialties. 

Under the doctoral program, training is conducted for graduates who have completed the program of scientific and pedagogical magistracy. 

Duration of study - 3 years.

Doctoral educational programs are implemented in the scientific and pedagogical direction of training and provide in-depth specialized professional training, which allows graduates to subsequently successfully engage in scientific, pedagogical, managerial and expert activities. 

Doctoral studies at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University implies active research work, participation in university research projects under the guidance of leading experts in priority areas of science and practice. 

The implementation of doctoral education programs is carried out by the university in close cooperation with leading foreign educational and scientific organizations.




6D071000 - Materials Science and Technology of New Materials

6D074000 - Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies

6D071900 - Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications

6D061100 - Physics and Astronomy