
Dear Colleagues!

     Institute of Combustion Problems and the Department of Chemical Physics and Materials Science, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Kazakh National University. Al-Farabi invites you to participate in the Conference of Students and Young Scientists "PROBLEMS OF TECHNOLOGICAL COMBUSTION".

     The conference will be held on December 6, 2018 (Thursday) at 15:00, in the audience of B.A.Beremzhanov.



Ph.D., Kazakov Yu.V. Development of the specialty "Technology of explosives and pyrotechnic materials"

Dr. PhD.,  Atamanov M.K. Combustion of solid rocket fuels with nanocarbon additives

Doctor of chemical sciences, prof. Mansurov Z.A. Phenomenology of soot formation

Abstracts are accepted in electronic form until November 30, 2018. Please send abstracts of reports by mail:

Abstracts should be prepared as follows:

• The working languages ​​of the conference are Russian, Kazakh, English. Volume - up to 1 page

• In capital letters in bold in the center - the name of the report, after 1 interval - in bold type Full name. authors of the thesis (lowercase, boldface), on the next line (without a space) - in bold type information about the scientific leader, on the next line (without a space) - the name of the university, on the next line (without a space) - the email address of one author. Further, one space after the email address contains the text of the thesis. Most reports will be presented in the form of posters on the A0 format.

• Authors may include students and young scientists under 35 years old.

• Program Microsoft Word 2003• Fields: top - 2 cm, bottom - 2 cm, left - 3 cm, right - 1 cm.• Font Times New Roman, KZ Times New Roman; font size - 14pt

• Single line spacing; paragraph indent - 1 cm; portrait orientation; no footers and setting pages; text is justified;

• Abstracts should not contain graphs, tables, figures or photographs;

• The file must be called the name of the first author.