Professor, d.b.s., Corresponding Member of the NAS Sciences of RK Sultan Tuleukhanov, from the Department of Biophysics, Biomedicine, and Neuroscience at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, has been honored with the First Degree Diploma and the order of "Man of the Year of New Kazakhstan"


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     Professor, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of RK Sultan Tuleukhanov, from the Department of Biophysics, Biomedicine, and Neuroscience at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, has been honored with the First Degree Diploma and the order of "Man of the Year of New Kazakhstan" for his participation in the national competition. This recognition acknowledges his significant contributions and active involvement in public, scientific, and educational activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

    The primary objective of this national competition is to foster the prosperity and development of the country's sovereignty. Additionally, it aims to celebrate individuals who have mastered their professions during the years of independence and promote their recognition within society.

     We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Professor Tuleukhanov on this well-deserved achievement! We wish Sultan Tuleukhanovich continued success in his work.