Students of the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics attended master class on Oncomine Dx Target Test technology as part of the SDGs


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Third-year bachelor students of the specialty "Genetics" and their adviser Aizhan Izbasarovna Zhusupova, attended the master class "Spectrum of Oncomine panels for NGS in diagnostics and personalized therapy in oncology", conducted by TreeGene together with the official representative of the largest manufacturer of laboratory equipment and reagents ThermoFisher Scientific - Zalma Ltd.

During the master class, they learned about the advantages of Oncomine Dx Target Test technology: only 10 ng of DNA is required for analysis, which greatly simplifies the procedure for sequencing a patient’s genome.

This event was initiated by the students themselves, who are currently studying the discipline “Molecular Diagnostics” and want to see the practical application of the described methods. And Aizhan Izbasarovna gladly supported their initiative.