The conference in the frame of Farabi Forum


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On April 11-12, 2023, in the frame of ІІ International Farabi Forum the International scientific-practical conference “The paradigm of sustainable economic development in the context of global change: challenges, consequences, opportunities” was held. The meeting of the third section «New management trends in global turbulence» was conducted under the moderation of Economic Sciences Doctor, Associate Professor, Head of the Management Department A.N. Turginbayeva.

Academics from Uzbekistan, Finland, Poland and Ukraine as well as Kazakhstani researchers and practitioners took part in section meeting.  During the third section 7 papers on results of actual studies were heared. Participants shared views on modern managingissuers in education and bank sphere, discussed the effect of global turbulence, particularly IСT, on the development and use of knowledge as well as on management process.

Adaptions of the national economy’s state regulation to the positive and negative consequences of globalization processes as well as Kazakhstani and foreign experience in managing of social aspects of society development were in the focus of conference participants.  The discussed issues aroused keen interest and active discussion on the part of academics and practitioners.