specialty "Marketing" 12.12.2018. held an open advisory hour in the MK18R group on the topic “Marketing as a vocation”.


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Undergraduates of the department "Management and Marketing", specialty "Marketing" 12.12.2018. held an open advisory hour in the MK18R group on the topic “Marketing as a vocation”. The adviser hour, starting with a general intellectual game on economics, has grown into a mini-quiz on a future profession. There is no need to argue about the versatility of the marketing profession: this specialist is in demand in any company, must study the market, have an analytical mindset and creative abilities. An important role in understanding the truths of marketing is played by the motivation of student learning. This issue was also considered at the adviser hour. The students got acquainted with the information about the disciplines of the specialty "Marketing", the trajectory of training in it. Received answers to their questions.