Lecturers and students attend the launch of Claudia Mellado's book "Beyond Journalistic Norms"


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October 8, 2020 - Lecturers and students of the Faculty of Journalism of al-Farabi Kazakh National university for the first time took part in the solemn online presentation of the book "Beyond Journalistic Norms". This book was written by the Chilean researcher in journalism and communications, Professor Ponteficia Uneversidad Catholica de Valpaisoin Claudia Mellado. She is the one who organized the project "Journalistic Role-Playing", which was attended by scientists from 18 countries.

Director and Professor of the School of Media and Public Relations of the George Washington University - Silvio Weisboard, Finnish sociologist and media researcher, Emeritus Professor of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of Tampere - Karle Tapani, Professor Omar al-Ghazzi; Henry Silke; Sergey Davydov and researcher Adriana Amado participated in the conference. Professor of al-Farabi Kazakh National university and participant of the project “Journalism Students across the Globe: Professionalization, Identity and Challenges in a Changing Environment” Galiya Ibraeva took part in the conference as well.

Professor Amaranta Alfaro moderated this event in which the author gave a detailed account of her book, its work and the project she created for journalists. The conference participants commended Claudia for the success she proved. 

The book came out quite recently, so there was a good meeting to get to know the book. Various scholars from different countries who read the book expressed their appreciations. This published book is believed to be an important tool for young journalists. 

Madina Serik

3rd year student of al-Farabi Kazakh National university