Invited professors from Total


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Invited professors from Total, France, gave lectures to students of the al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Institute of Sustainable Development named after Ban Ki-moon and the Association of Professors Total implement the curriculum “Development of Global Citizenship in the“ Sustainable Development Goals ” at the Al-Farabi the Kazakh National University. Within the framework of partnership and cooperation, from 4 to 8 February 2019, lectures and practical classes were held by Professor Herve Oberrneiner on the topic “Developing Talents and Leadership I.W.” for undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students of the various specialties of University.

During the lectures, Professor Herve Oberreiner touched upon topics related to the introduction of leadership in talent management and career management. So, among the most covered topics will be the following: “Introduction to talent management leadership development”; "Career management: how the short, medium and long term intersects"; “Career management: a shared responsibility”; “Recruitment: a coherent policy”. Also, the professor spoke about the features of the short, medium and long-term prospects for managing career growth. In the framework of lectures, practical tasks were recruited for the recruitment of personnel (consistent policy) together with undergraduates.

It is important to note that the lectures of the visiting professor from France (TPA-Total Professeurs Associes) were developed by specialists of the French oil and gas company Total on the basis of professional expertise and the study of specific examples from practice.

Upon completion of lectures and practical training on leadership development issues, undergraduates received theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of managing their own career growth and shared responsibility to the team.

It should be noted that Professor Herve Oberreiner is also Vice-President of the Total Association of Professors, is the main speaker at international conferences and lectures as a visiting professor at foreign universities.

The main task of the lectures with Mr. Herve Oberreiner, initiated by the company "Total" with the active support and the Institute of Sustainable Development named after Ban Ki-moon of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, is to consolidate the theoretical knowledge and practical skills of university students. Much attention is also paid to the development of ideas of global citizenship and international cooperation in science and education between Kazakhstan and France.