Adilzhanova Saltanat

At the al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Adilzhanova Saltanat Almukhanbetovna will defend her dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) on the topic: «Methods, models and information technologies for the dynamic management of cybersecurity resources» «8D06301 - Information Security Systems».

The dissertation was performed at the Department of Oriental Studies of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.        

Form of defense - dissertation work

Language of defense - Kazakh                

Official reviewers:

1. Tamara Kokenovna Zhukabayeva – Ph.D. in the specialty 6D075100– Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Management, Professor of the Department of Information system of the Faculty of Information Technologies of L.N. Gumilev ENU. (Almaty, Kazakhstan).

2. Berdibaev Rat Shyndalievich – Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor, Gumarbek Daukeev Almaty University of Energy and Communications, Head of the Scientific and Technical Center "Problems of Information Security" (Almaty, Kazakhstan).Specialty: 23.00.02

Scientific supervisors:

1. Akhmetov Bakhytzhan Agatdinovich – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai (Almaty, Kazakhstan);

2. Lakhno Valery Anatolyevich – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the National University of Bioresources and Environmental Management of Ukraine (Kiev, Ukraine)

Temporary members of the Dissertation Council:

1. Isskakov Kazizat Takuadinovich – Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Head of the Department of Computer Technology, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University (Astana, Kazakhstan);

2. Suleimenov Batyrbek Aitpaevich – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Institute of Automation and Information Technologies, Satbayev University (Almaty, Kazakhstan).

3. Ivanchenko Evgeniya Viktorovna - Professor of the Department of Information Technology Security at the National Aviation University (Kiev, Ukraine).

4. Satybaldina Dina Zhagyparovna - Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Information Security and Director of the Research Institute of Information Security and Cryptology of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University (Astana, Kazakhstan);

5. Boranbayev Askar Seyilkhanovich - Ph.D., Associate Professor, Assistant Professor at the School of Engineering and Digital Sciences of Nazarbayev University;

6. Yakubova Mubarak Zahidovna - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Gumarbek Daukeev Almaty University of Energy and Communications.

The defense will be held mixed format (online and offline) on July 4, 2023, at 14:00 at the dissertation Council at al-Farabi Kazakh National University in the group of specialties "6D070300(8D06101) - Information systems", "6D070400 - Computer engineering and Software (Computer Engineering)", "6D075100 - Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Management (System Engineering)", "6D060200 - Computer Science (Computer Science)", "6D100200, 8D06301 - Information Security systems", "6D070200 - Automation and Control".

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Publication date :  6/6/2023