Begzhan Aizat

The al-Farabi Kazakh National University will defend a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) of Begzhan Aizat Maratkyzy on the topic « International legal regulation of government procurement: WTO practice, foreign experience and legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan» in the specialty «6D030200 – International Law».

The dissertation work was carried out at the International Law Department of the International Relations Faculty of al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

The form of defense is a dissertation work.

The language of protection is Russian.

Official reviewers:

1. Saktaganova Indira Sovetovna - Candidate of Law, Professor of the Department of Constitutional and Civil Law of L.N. Gumilev Eurasian National University (Astana, Kazakhstan). Specialty 12.00.01;

2. Zhusuppbekova Madina Koyshybayevna - Candidate of Law, Associate Professor of Law Department of Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University (Kyzylorda, Kazakhstan). Specialty 12.00.06.

Scientific consultants:

1. Aidarbayev Sagyngaliy Zholamanovich - Doctor of Law, Associate Professor of the International Law Department of al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Almaty, Kazakhstan);

2. Matthias Hartwig - Doctor of Law, Professor of Max Plank Unstitute for Comperative Public Law and International Law (Heidelberg, Germany)

Temporary members of the Dissertation Council:

1. Lifshits Ilya M. - Doctor of Law, Professor of the International Law Department of All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Russia);

2. Iskakova Zhanna T. - PhD, Acting Associate Professor of the International Law Department of L.N. Gumilev Eurasian National University (Astana, Kazakhstan);

3. Akhmetov Yerik B. - PhD, Chief Consultant of the Legislation Department of the Apparatus of the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Astana, Kazakhstan);

4. Abdilda Dilyana A. - Candidate of Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Constitutional, International Law and Customs Affairs of the D.A. Kunayev Eurasian Law Academy (Almaty, Kazakhstan).

The defense will take place online on May 20, 2023, at 14:00 at the dissertation Council at the al-Farabi Kazakh National University in the group of specialties «6D030100, 8D04203 – Jurisprudence; 6D030200, 8D04201 - International Law».

Connect to the Zoom Conference

Conference ID: 890 2896 9646

Link to the live broadcast:

Conclusion of the ethics commisions

Order of the Rector

Publication date :  4/20/2023