Мужская сборная команда КазНУ им.аль-Фараби по футзалу завоевала золотые медали I-х Спортивных игр Ассоциации Университетов стран Тюркского Совета.

The men's national team of KazNU named after Al-Farabi in futsal won gold medals of the 1 Sports Games of the Association of Universities of the countries of the Turkic Council. In the final match, our athletes defeated the Kyrgyz team with a score of 1: 0.

Our players: Bayzahov Nurkhan, Bauyrzhanyuly Sultan, Izbasarov Azamat, Nurazhdarov Bauyrzhan, Sarbosov Bolat, Arypayev Almat, Umeshov Rinat, Bayanzhan Erik.

Trainer - Baysariyev Zh.B.

Congratulations !!!

Publication date :  5/19/2017