"In a healthy body - healthy mind"

Under the "cult of healthy body" in a hostel number 9, February 13 at 19:00 teachers of the department of general and ethnic pedagogy Madalieva Z.B., Puzikova S.M., Sadvakasova Z.M. event was held "In a healthy body - healthy mind" where participants were introduced to the techniques and methods to improve their health: auditory training, meditation, relaxation, Qigong - therapy, yoga, kinesiology, etc. It is devoted to health as it is to save, multiply and develop into healthy, strong, beautiful. Man is not completely healthy, if his soul is restless. Moral health is more important. A person can be strong, strong, but mentally ill. Can not be a healthy lifestyle without good sleep. Sleep regulates the nervous system. During sleep we rest. The concept of a healthy lifestyle includes adequate physical activity, balanced menu, good hygiene, the rejection of any kind of excesses and of course, tempering procedures. Were carried out practical exercises guys meditated, practiced trance induction, auditory training, watched some exercises qigong therapy and of kinesiology. The event was held fast, fun and sincerely. Active participation of students, their interest, motivation to take care of your body and spirit - all this makes you want the organizers to continue such meetings.

Publication date :  3/27/2015