«Абай – дара, Абай – дана қазақта»

The beginning and end of the Kazakh people of knowledge, begins with the knowledge of the great poet Abai, tops the literature and art, culture and mind of an era of the Kazakh people.

Therefore, to learn Kazakh, it is necessary to read Abai, the main condition for the understanding of Abai to be a citizen. Experience Abay - this argument of his thoughts with a deep sense of respect and its unique personality. The personality of the great Kazakh enlightener Abay so versatile and unusual that fully understand the inner world of the poet and thinker is possible only through a deep immersion in his time and creativity. The legacy of Abai not only spiritual treasure of the Kazakh people, but also a source of education. Even over time, this source does not lose its significance, and the new time will be new features and increase value. As a proof-this educational event "Abai - Gift, Abay - given қazaқta" organized in order to identify the mysterious poetry of the great poet in the framework of the project "100 books" 4th year student of the Kazakh National University, Department of "Pedagogy and Educational Management" specialty "Social pedagogy and self-knowledge "under rukavodstvom curator-advisors Ramazanov SA

 The event was arranged a contest between students of different courses. In this competition were different tasks: presentation, questions and answers, the continuation of poetry Abaya and tasks. Competitors young lovers of poetry Uteshova Raihan, Zhapparova Aygerіm, Mamyr Aidan Hadrova Shinar, Қazhymұқan Aқtolқyn not only well prepared, but also proved to be actively reading smoothly heritage of the great poet, answered questions. Leading the competition Rahmatullah Zhamilya and Өmіrқұlova Aygerіm, followed the course of the competition, the participants pointed out the right direction, so that contributed to the event. While the judges were taken out of the competition, one of the organizers of the event 4-course student Aytbekova Zhansaya Mallenco as a gift and for more inspiration poem read Abay "Eskendіr". According to the result of the competition, 1st place was taken by Zhapparova Aygerіm, 2nd place was taken by Uteshova Raihan, 3rd place Hadrova Shinar, 4-place Mamyr Aidan, 5-place Қazhymұқan Aқtolқyn. Fair judging Өtebaevoy Alina and Kuttybek Arailym and joint work of students of 4-course specialty social pedagogy and self-knowledge to achieve the goal of educational activities satisfied the participants and to maintain a good mood.

And this beautiful literary evening helped the guests to immerse themselves in the world of Abai in Abai's poetry and get real pleasure.

Organized: Ramazanova S.A.

Publication date :  10/21/2016