"Online" conference titled "How you choose your future profession"

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science

Department of general and ethnic pedagogics

"Online" conference titled "How you choose your future profession" with pupils of Shayan multidisciplinary lyceum No. 11 of South Kazakhstan region, Baydibek district, Shayan village on April 20, 2015 in 402 audiences at 9.25-10.30 o'clock was organized by the associate professor Kasymova Roza Sadykovna and teacher Khadyrbayeva Indira Eskendirkyzy.  



The following questions were asked:

1. What privileges are available for owners of "Altyn belgi"?

2. What professions the pupils who chose biology can enter?

3. What professions the pupils who chose physics can enter?  

4. How many years to study in Master's programme?

5. How much is fee-paying Master's programme cost?

6. Are there opportunities to get an education abroad being trained in Higher Education Institution?

7. What privileges are available for children from a large family?

8. Couldn't you tell about the subject of Chemistry?

9. Is there a specialty of pharmaceutics?

10. What about hostel, whether it is given to all?

11. 20 pupils chose biology in our lyceum.

I finished having expressed huge gratitude.

Publication date :  4/22/2015