Contemporain Values of the Society: Dialogue of Cultures and Civilizations

«Contemporain Values of the Society: Dialogue of Cultures and Civilizations» video conference was hold under the "Person of the Month" project on the «G-Global» interactive platform on 8 April, 2015.

   The purpose of online video conferencing is to develop practical recommendations for overcoming the spiritual and moral crisis discussing and exchanging of views with leading domestic and foreign scientists of the topical issues relating to the contemporary values, dialogue of cultures and civilizations, tolerance, the formation of a new humanitarian paradigm that promotes convergence and interaction of different countries and peoples.

     Following questions to be discussed on video-conference:

- role of «G-Global» interactive platform in the development of the inter-cultural dialogue, cooperation, preservation of historical continuity;

- contemporain values in the global information society;

- crisis of human values and the seeking for ways of solving;

- Kazakhstan's experience in the formation of ethnic and religious tolerance, social cohesion and stability;

- cultural exchange, the further development of humanitarian relations and deepening cooperation between different countries;

- spiritual, moral and patriotic education of youth.

Participants of videoconference: rector of Al Farabi Kazakh National University, academician Galymkair Mutanov, Faculty of Philosophy and Political Sciences; Scientific, educational and cultural center of TURKSOY at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. E.A. Buketov Karaganda State University; Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages; scholars from the USA, Germany, Holland, France, Finland, Spain, Greece, Turkey, Bulgaria, South Korea, Russia and Azerbaijan.

Venue: 71, Al Farabi ave., Almaty, Al Farabi Kazakh National University, rectorate, room 306, at 15.00, (Astana time).



Publication date :  4/14/2015