The idea of the conference was that the 105-th anniversary of the birth of one of the most prominent and talented representatives of the Kazakh intelligentsia T. T. Tazhibayeva, new comprehended the role and the place of Man, for 40 years took an active part in the public life of his people, who held responsible positions in public education in the state machine of the Kazakh SSR, the Minister of foreign Affairs of the Kazakh SSR, the adviser to the Soviet Ambassador to India, etc.
The conference noted that all scientific activities T. T. Tazhibayeva was entirely linked to the solution of urgent problems of pedagogy - science of education, education and training of the younger generation. Modern pedagogy requires rethinking and analysis of the most pressing issues, both in its content, technology, and so in essence its global categories such as Education, Upbringing and Development.
In the days of the 75th anniversary of the oldest Department of the Treasury. Al-Farabi - the Department of General and ethnic pedagogy, pedagogical community discussed and outlined the solution of actual problems of modern pedagogical science in the context of ideas So Tazhibayeva.
The conference was successful presentation of the book by the Professor of the Department of General and ethnic psychology J. Turnpenny "Academician T. Tazhibaev"
The plenary session was attended by eminent scientists and professors of the University, representatives of the Academy of the Border service of the national security Committee of Kazakhstan, National scientific-practical, educational and health Center "Bobek", etc.
In breakout sessions were announced performances of foreign participants: candidate of philological Sciences, Professor, head of Department of relations and promotion obshestvennost A.V. (Tambov state University named after G. R. Derzhavin, Russia, Tambo); PhD, associate Professor, head of Department of pedagogy and innovative technology Zosimenko O. V., , (Sumy regional Institute of postgraduate pedagogical education, Sumy, Ukraine); associate Professor of the chair of pedagogics, Ocimum N. G., candidate of pedagogic Sciences, associate Professor of English practice, Kovalenko, S. N., candidate of philosophy.N., associate Professor of applied psychology Pasko, E. N. (Sumy state pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko Sumy, Ukraine) and others.

Publication date :  3/25/2015