Within the framework of the project "Ainaladynyrlandyr"

Department of General and Applied Psychology

Center for Psychological Innovation and Technology



III-rd Republican Winter Psychological School - 2018

"Psychological workshops: health care, education, production"


Dear students, undergraduates, doctoral students, practicing psychologists, teachers and social workers!


We invite you to take part in the



Dates: from 04 to 07 January 2018.

Location:Kazgugrad, KazNU library

Duration: 8.30 - 20.00


The purpose of the school is to develop and improve psychological competence in various spheres of professional activity.


The main forms of work of the WPS-2018:

ü  overviewlectures;

ü  master classes of practicing psychologists;

ü  oralpresentations (discussions, reflection);

ü  practicallessons.


In the WPS-2018 program master classes of:


1) MadalievaZabiraBekeshovna. "Changing thoughts - changing destiny" - cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy (rus).

2) Tashimova Fatima Sagymbekovna. Psychoanalytical technologies of work with clients (rus).

3) KhusainovaIlmiraRamazanovna. Features of psychological counseling for patients with socially significant diseases (Russian)

4) KamzanovaAltyngulTustikbaevna. Technologies of modern neuroscience in counseling and psychotherapy (Russian)

5) Kalymbetova Elmira Kenesovna. Methods of prevention of autodestructive character (kaz.)

6) Moon Maria Vladimirovna. Individual skills and strategies of stress management (Russian)

7) ZholdasovaManzuraKenesbekovna. Art therapy techniques in self-regulation (kaz.)

8) ElshibaevaKulmashGalymzhanovna. Basic skills of psychological counseling (kaz.)

9) Bagiyarova Fatima Arystanovna. Internal introspection and development of one's own experiences through the method of "self-coping by Asimov" (Rus.)

10) SmirnovaZhanatAmantayevna. The authorship of life in the therapeutic space (Russian)

11) ElshibaevaKulmashGalymzhanovna. Methods of creating and conducting socio-pedagogical-psychological trainings (kaz.)

12) AidarbekovKairatAnvarbekovich. Principles and techniques of the narrative approach in psychological counseling (Russian)

13) ElshibaevaKulmashGalymzhanovna. Psychological aspects of female happiness (kaz.)

14) OspanovSholpanTalipovna. Techniques of personal growth in Gestalt psychology (Russian)

15) Temeshev Talgat Telagisovich. Techniques of psychodrama in the relationship "Man-Woman", "Teacher-Student", etc. (Russian)

16) Natalia Polovyannaya. Dance-motor therapy in coping with emotions (rus.)

17) AidosovaZhanerkeKoshkarovna. Emotional Intelligence: Diagnosis and Development (Russian)

18) RizullaAidanaRizullaevna. Psychological methods of coping with stress (rus.)

19) ZhandybaevaZhanarSaktapbergenovna. Psychological help to children who survived sexual violence (Russian)


Based on the results of the training, a certificate of professional development is issued from the Center of Psychological Technologies and Innovations of the al-FarabiKazNU on 72 acad. hours!!!


Novelty of the III-rdWPS:

1) The training will be conducted in the format of a psychological marathon, in three sessions!!! (schedule and program in the application).

2) In addition, "Art-workshop" (kaz, rus.) from 17.00 to 20.00, where you can see the weaving of mandalas, work with stones, finger drawing (additional payment 1000 tg. for consumables).

3) In addition to the educational program, a cultural program is offered on January 7: theMedeo ice rink, Shymbulak and the Almaty attractions (excursions are paid by the participants themselves).


Organizing Committee of the III-rd Republican Winter Psychological School - 2018:

Chairman - Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science of al-FarabiKazNU. d.philos.s., professor Massalimova A.R.

Organizers of WPS-2017: head of the department, d.psychol.s., professor Madalieva Z.B., Director of the Center of Psychological Technologies and Innovations d.psychol.s., professor Tashimova F.S.,

teachers of the Department of General and Applied Psychology - Kabakova M.P., Faizullina A.K.


Payment for training - in cash.

For nonresident participants there is a possibility of a dormitory (from 1500 tenge per day)


Depending on the time of payment, we offer the following bonuses:




Bonuses for those who make payment before December 15, 2017.

The cost of the courses for those who make payment after December 15, 2017 and at the beginning of trainings

Teachers, practicingpsychologists, teachers

19 000 tg.

20 000 tg.

Students, undergraduates, doctoralstudents

14 000 tg.

15 000 tg.


The address of the organizing committee: 050012, Almaty, st.Masanchi (Bogenbaibatyr), 39/47; tel .: (727) 292-57-17 (ext 2131);

Contacts of organizers:

Tashimova Fatima Sagymbekovna 8 707 689 53 72;

Fayzullina Aida Kamilyevna 8 701 344 4323;

Kabakova Mayra Pobedovna 8 707 756 0547


Deadline for applications: until December 20, 2017!


Publication date :  11/28/2017