How to build a civilized society and what kind of religious policy is needed for this conduct

       16.06. 2015 of 14.00 to the department of religious and cultural studies came director of the Institute of Social Sciences, Professor Dr. Mehmet Evkuran of Hitit University / Turkey for a meeting with PPP. Topic of discussion: "How to build a civilized society and what kind of religious policy is needed for this conduct." A proper understanding of the religion of Islam and the religious policy
       They discussed the following topics: System of faith in Islam, the moral teaching of Islam, the causes of schools of thought, What is Salafism? What are its basic principles? The structure and the basic principles of the theological system Maturidi.
       Staff of the department asked the questions, and wished success for the future cooperation. The professor presented their business gift, in turn, the head of department Kurmanalieva A.D. also expressed gratitude and gave gifts.

Publication date :  6/24/2015