Safe Childhood as a legal and social-pedagogical concept

Webinar "Safe Childhood as a legal and social-pedagogical concept": The implementation of cooperation al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Almaty) and Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University (Perm)

April 24, 2015, at 11: 00 am time (in Perm - 10.00), as part of the All-Russian Scientific-Practical Conference "Safe Childhood as a legal and social-pedagogical concept" was held webinars. Initiators and organizers of the webinar steel Faculty of legal and socio-pedagogical education Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University (Perm, Russia), Associate Professor, Ph.D. L.A. Metlyakova and Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science by al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Doctor of Philosophy., prof. A.R. Masalimova (Almaty, Kazakhstan). Opening the webinar and view the conference participants had Korobkova VV, Dean of the Faculty of legal and socio-pedagogical education, associate professor, PhD. On behalf of the Treasury were greeted by the head. Department of General and ethnic pedagogy, Ph.D., Professor A.K. Mynbayeva In this paper webinar from the al-Farabi was attended by faculty departments: general and ethnic pedagogic, general and ethnic psychology, sociology, social work (prof. Zhanazarova Z.Zh., Shedenova N.U., Nurbekova J.A., Kassen G. A. Kabakova M.P., Faizullina A.K. et al.). As well as students and postgraduates. It presents 3 performances: 1) Faizullina A.K. (senior lecturer of Department by General and ethnic psychology) - "Experience of social psychologists in specialized juvenile legal advice by Almaty"; 2) Kydyrmollaeva Elmira - 4th year student of the specialty "Social Work" - "Features of the organization of medical and social care for children with cancer and their families in health care facilities" (scientific supervisor: Prof. Shedenova N.U.); 3) Zhanazarova Z.Zh. (Doctor of sociological science, prof. of Department by Sociology and Social Work) - "Values of the family in the upbringing of the younger generation in the modern Kazakh society." On the Russian side were: - Welcomed - Vice President Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University, doctor of historical Sciences, prof. A.M. Belavin and Ph.D., associate professor R.B. Egorov; - Mikov P.V., Commissione for Children in the Perm region with the report "The actual problems of prevention of child and family trouble in the Perm region"; - Reshetnikov O.A., Chairman of the Board of "Youth Bar Association of Perm region " the report "Professional associations of lawyers in the preparation of teachers of law: Experience and Prospects", as well as other scientists. At the end of the webinar presentations, participants were asked questions to the speakers. On the issue of the organization of social psychologists within the juvenile consultation participants were asked questions about the attitude of society to the problems of juvenile justice in Kazakhstan, about the experience of working with reoffending, about the features of the system of socialization of adolescents. The problem of juvenile justice in modern society has an ambiguous approach - and this explains the increased interest in this Russian colleagues to this issue in our country. Of great interest to the speech of students Kydyrmollaeva Elmira about the features of the organization of medical and social care for children with cancer and their families in health care settings. Elmira webinar presented to the participants of interesting material in the format of presentation. The problem of medical and social care for children with cancer and their families are not left indifferent our Russian colleagues and students of Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University. Survey conducted in the framework of cooperation of the Faculty of legal and socio-pedagogical education PSGPU (Perm, Russia) and the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science by al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Almaty, Kazakhstan), demonstrated the need for further professional interaction. It was nice to see the activity of the participants webinar (teachers, students, undergraduates, representatives of non-governmental organizations) in the discussion of topical issues of the conference "Safe Childhood as a legal and social-pedagogical concept." We are grateful for their help in organizing and conducting the event Associate Professor Kabakova M.P., Associate Professor Metlyakova L. (PSGPU), the Institute of Information Technology and innovative development of penalty for technical support. And we hope that holding such conferences in the On-line mode will become a tradition of professional cooperation of the al-Farabi Kazakh National University with leading universities and abroad.


Publication date :  4/28/2015