An open lesson on the project "Жүсіпбей Аймауытовтың «Ақбілек» романындағы қазақ әйелінің бейнесі"

On February 17, the senior lecturer of the Department of General and Applied Psychology, Borbassova Gulnur Nursainovna, held an open lesson on the project "Жүсіпбей Аймауытовтың «Ақбілек» романындағы қазақ бейнесі". The event was attended by the students of general and applied psychology.

Purpose of open lesson:

  1. Demonstration of the image of a woman of the 20th century;
  2. Teach them to love and respect girls and women;
  3. Comparison of the women of that time with the women of this time.

During the event, students of the 3rd year, 3 groups told all the information about the novel "Akbilek", made a presentation and fully defended the topic. An interesting open educational hour was held, during which questions related to the topic were asked.



Publication date :  4/15/2021