The curatorial hour is dedicated to AlikhanBukeikhanov, who was named "The MILLENNIUM Man". In 2000, a public action was held to identify the greatest people in the history of Kazakhstan. "People of the Millennium" were named AhmetYassaui, Mohammed HaydarDulati, Tole-bi, Kazybek-bi, Aiteke-bi, Abylai-khan, Kurmangazy, ShokanUalikhanov, Abay. Among the "People of the Century" AlikhanBokeikhanov was among the first to be named.

There are figures, names that do not grow dull with the years. Such a bright person was AlikhanBukeikhanov, who lived a very tragic life. The movement "Alash", created and led by AlikhanBukeikhanov, entered the annals of our history as an attempt of a whole generation of national intellectuals to protect, preserve and improve what the Kazakhs could not be like an ethnos - an independent steppe being. Bukeykhanov became the continuer of the case of Abylaykhan and KenesaryKasymov in a new round of national history. He lived a life in which the joy of victory and the bitterness of defeat were more than enough. And he would not have been the son of his age if he had escaped death. With the victory of the Soviet regime and with the assertion of Bolshevik ideology, AlikhanBukeikhanov's name was forgotten, and if it was mentioned, then with inevitable epithets - "bourgeois", "counterrevolutionary."

Publication date :  5/7/2017