The method of writing a scientific paper

On 9th of December, 2016, the specialists of the Psychology Technology and Innovation Center, at the Department of General and Applied Psychology, faculty of Philosophy and Political Science in cooperation with Institute of qualification development of KazNU held a scientific seminar on the theme: "The method of writing a scientific paper, in Russian and Kazakh languages for psychologists and teachers of educational institutions of Almaty. The seminar was held in the form of training-seminar, where each participant tried to write one’s own abstract to the published article, to work on the idea of one’s own future article and make sketches of it. For practical work were used different numbers of journals: "Psychology in the School" and "Bulletin of the KazNU, “Series of psychology and sociology. " The participants left inspired and ready to write about the outcomes of their activity and experiences.


Organizers: head of department, professor Madalieva Z.B., acting professor Kabakovа M.P.


Publication date :  12/22/2016