Professional and personal self-determination: the path to self

Within the framework of the project of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Formation of professional self-determination of students with special educational needs as a national strategy in the field of inclusive education in the Republic of Kazakhstan", on March 29, 2024, the next 3rd day of the Training program "Professional and personal self-determination: the path to self" was held. The topic of this day was the requests of the participants, in particular, the removal of anxiety, mental stress, and training in emotional self-regulation.

Representatives of the Public Association "Asian Society for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities "Zhan" in an expanded format were pleased to participate in the next training. The organizers of this useful session were: project manager - Professor A.S. Magauova; project participants and volunteers - Associate Professor Kassen G.A.; 1st year undergraduates of the specialty "7M013125- Psychology" - Kereubaev Dias, Musabek Zhambyl, Razak Zhuldyz, Amanshina Aynur.

The Sustainable Development Goals, which have been a red thread in this topic of the training, are to provide a healthy psychological environment to overcome inequality, support people with special needs, and create conditions for ensuring the psychological well–being of employees in the workplace.

The exercise "This is Me", which launched the training process, was aimed at forming a spiritual kinship with other people and contributed to the development of humanity in everyone. Watching another person, it was necessary to pay special attention to those traits of his character that may be inherent in the participant himself. The exercise took place in an unusual format. Each of the participants addressed the participant sitting to his left with one of three greetings: a handshake, a bow or a stomp of feet (corresponding to the greetings of three imaginary primitive tribes of people: Babarangs, Dadarangs and Gagarangs). Then the participant talked about what unites them, and these connections could be absolutely anything: spiritual, physical, phenotypic.

This was followed by a warm-up exercise "Mrs. Mumble", the purpose of which was to liberate and reduce mental stress, the so-called icebreaking. According to the instructions, the participants of the training, while in the circle, had to ask the person sitting on the left about a certain Mrs. Mumble, to which the participant had to answer that he did not know Mrs. Mumble, but would ask a neighbor. It was required to pronounce this phrase with one tricky condition - not showing teeth and not laughing. The effect of this warm-up was so strong that even the most serious participants felt a high level of positive emotions, unity and relaxation to such a level that they could barely contain their laughter.

The next point of the training was the express diagnostic technique "Stopwatch", conducted to determine the level of anxiety in the training group. It allowed us to determine the current state of the participants, calculate the degree of anxiety depending on the perception of the minute.

The technique of musical relaxation made it possible to feel relaxation and removal of muscle clamps in the middle of the training. The exercise "Self-control and expression of emotions" provided participants with an eco-friendly way to cope with stress and anxiety. Further exercises were conducted in the mode of physical relaxation of emotions, breathing exercises and body-oriented practice. The final "Positive Hat" exercise consisted of reframing an alarming situation and finding positive sides or traits in it.

The training sharing made it possible to determine the current state of the participants, the degree of satisfaction with the training session, identify weaknesses in the conduct of the training, identify problems and questions for further study.

At the end of this training day, in a relaxed atmosphere, the project volunteers tested a showdown table tennis for the blind, donated by sponsors. They felt the complexity of the game in the absence of vision and felt all the advantages of this game for people with vision problems: it helps with a sedentary lifestyle (here movement, communication, sports excitement); develops the speed of thinking and reaction, hearing (which is very important for a blind person).

Publication date :  4/11/2024