Open educational event dedicated to the Victory Day "WE REMEMBER, WE SAY THANK YOU!"

On May 6, within the framework of pedagogical practice and the project "Ainalandy nurlandyr" under the guidance of Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor Kabakova Maira Pobedovna, in an online format, on the ZOOM platform, a 1st year master student of the specialty "Personality and Organizational Psychology" Tolymbekova D.R. an open educational event dedicated to the Victory Day "WE REMEMBER, WE THANK YOU!"

The event was held in an educational form. All participants plunged into the history of the Great Victory in World War II, remembered the Heroes of the Soviet Union, the significance of the Kazakh SSR (now Kazakhstan) in the victory over Nazi Germany. They held an interactive, remembering their ancestors who took part in that terrible war, honored the memory of the glorious heroes with a minute of silence.





Publication date :  5/11/2021