In the framework of the project "100 kitap" 3rd year students F15К2 group of the HSEB Department of Finance invite you to an open curatorial hour on the theme: Makhambet Otemisuly "Tandamaly shygarmalary"

Department of Finance

Dear teachers, undergraduates, students

In the framework of the project "100 kitap" 2nd year students F15К2 group of the HSEB Department of Finance invite you to an open curatorial hour on the theme: Makhambet Otemisuly "Tandamaly shygarmalary"

The venue of the event: HSEB, aud. - 227, 27/09/2017. 16.00 h.

Person responsible for event: Kukiev A.Z.

Time: 16.00

Publication date :  11/16/2017