Autumn Marathon

       On November 19 2021, Tursalieva L.A., the curator-adviser of the 1st year students of Russian language and literature held the event on the topic: "Autumn Marathon". The event was held in the form of the quiz. In the first half of the quiz, the students divided into teams, asked and answered questions, agreeing and justifying each other's thoughts, and in the second half, there was a discussion. The discussion was on different topics, the first topic which they discussed was the autumn weather, each of the students spoke with admiration about the beauty of the nature of their native land. Then the students touched upon topical problems connected with the pollution of the environment in Kazakhstan. The second topic of discussion was the autumn harvest.It was obvious that they appreciated and respected the work of other people.

The purpose of this event was to consolidate and expand theoretical knowledge gained in the learning process.

Objective was to broaden horizons, replenish vocabulary, develop the ability to clearly and correctly form and express students' thoughts.

Students actively participated in the quiz. Each student openly expressed his/her opinion. The quiz was interesting and helpful.

Publication date :  11/24/2021