Let us keep our planet clean

On March 1, 2021, within the framework of the project “Green campus”, senior teachers of the department of Foreign languages ​​Akylova G.S. and Duysenbaeva Sh.S. held a meeting of the “English time” club on the topic “Let's keep our planet clean”.

The 1st year students of the faculty of Information technologies took part in the meeting. Students made reports in English with a presentation, where they indicated various ways to protect and keep our planet clean, the problems of air pollution, the deforestation, the disappearance of rare species of plants and animals, noted climate change and global environmental problems.

To discuss ways to protect the environment, the students were presented with situations with various types of pollution, which were discussed on the example of cities and villages where students live. Also, for reading, listening and discussion, students were presented with the text "Why should we recycle at home?" and audio texts "Rubbish", "Pollution".

In conclusion, the participants got acquainted with the plastic bottle recycling scheme.

Publication date :  5/14/2021