"The role of peacekeeping forces in ensuring peace and human rights: the 70th anniversary of the UN Charter of Human Rights"


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KazNU named after Al-Farabi and the Global Hub of the UNAI for Sustainable Development conduct a round table on the theme "The role of peacekeeping forces in ensuring peace and human rights: the 70th anniversary of the UN Charter of Human Rights"

Hub of the UNAI at KazNU named after al-Farabi together with UN representative in Almaty and universities, members of the program Academic impact of the United Nations on December 12, 2017 invite to the Round Table "The role of the peacekeeping forces in ensuring peace and human rights: the 70th anniversary of the UN Charter of Human Rights" , which will be broadcast on the international communicative platform G-Global and will be available online from 10 to 12 in the morning.

On the agenda are actual problems of the activities of the UN peacekeeping contingent, the role of UN organizations such as Academic impact in addressing issues of human rights and safety, contribution of UNAI KazNU named after al-Farabi to sustainable development, the activities of youth structures as the UN Model - the New Silk Road in the Strengthening of Peace and Human rights in Central and South Asia. Scientists of Kazakhstan universities and representatives of the Center «Partnership for Peace» of the Defense Ministry will analyze the problems of regional security, the role of Kazakhstan as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council in supporting UN activities.

In the discussion will participate the representatives of foreign consulates in Almaty, young scientists, undergraduates and doctoral students of Kazakhstan universities, will discuss the latest tendencies and achievements of UN peacekeeping activities on human rights, as well as express support for topical issues of human rights protection.

Round table participants: UN representatives in Almaty; Representatives of consulates and embassies in Almaty; representatives of the Ministry of Armed Forces of the RK, representatives of the scientific community of the University; participants of the UNAI program.

Venue: KazNU named after al-Farabi, «Al-Farabi» Scientific Library.
Beginning: December 12, at 09.30, lecture hall 409 , 4th floor.
Contact information: 8 (727) 377 34 43; 8 (727) 221 13 44; 8 701 993 90 07
Head of Chair of UNESCO, international journalism and media in society of KazNU named after al-Farabi, Dr. philol.scien. Professor Nazgul Tursynbaevna Shyngyssova,
Deputy Head of Chair of UNESCO, international journalism and media in society, teacher, Saduakasov A.A.
Hub of the UNAI at KazNU named after al-Farabi Dr. Ibraeva G.Zh., visiting-professor Abazov R.F.

e-mail: Galiya.ibrayeva@gmail.com


