Issuing of collective monograph of HSEB

Scientific contribution of HSEB scientists in in realizing Message of the president of the republic of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev to Kazakhstan people on January 17th 2014 “Kazakhstan way -2050: single purpose, unified interests, unified future”.

  1. Sagiyeva R. K. 30.01.2014 Topic: “ We all – one country, one nation”
  2. “Economy” chair 27.02.2014 Topic “Regularity of high-technology economy making in context of second five-year plan of forced industrial-innovation development realizing ”
  3. “Accounting and audit” chair 27.03.2014 Topic “Sources of new economic growth: new wave of privatizing and small and medium business development”
  4. “Finance” chair 24.04.2014. Topic “Problems and prospects of sustainable development of country’s financial sector”
  5. “Management and marketing” chair 29.05.2014 “Potential and possibilities of infrastructural triad development – agglomerations, transport, energy”