Students of military department of KazNU named after al-Farabi held a lecture to the specialized lyceum “Arystan”


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As part of the military-patriotic work with school youth and the quality training of future military journalists studying at the military department of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, students of the military department visited the Arystan Lyceum on November 27, 2019, which is one of the best specialized secondary schools in our country.

Upon arrival at the Lyceum, there was a meeting of students of the military department with the head of Public Fund "Education Fund of Nursultan Nazarbayev", the head of "Arystan", doctor of pedagogical sciences, Honored Veteran of the Armed Forces, Major-General of the reserve Taulan S. S. During the meeting with students, Major General S. S. Taulanov expressed gratitude to the head of the military department of KazNU named after al-Farabi, Colonel of the reserve O. Azhimov for the initiative of helding the lecture and said the story of the lyceum and the achievements of graduates.

Major General Taulanov S. S. especially emphasized the role and importance of patriotic work with youth and wished to the future military journalists success in their studies.

In the first part of lecture students of military department held a lesson for all classes about a bravery " How to be a patriot of their motherland". During the lesson was told about value of kazakh society and about modern challenges and treats. According to the plan of the lesson, the debate was held about "What is patrotism?".

The second part of lecture was held in the hall of triumph in the lyceum "Arystan" where was shown a concert-presentation "I'm a patriot!" for lyceum students and teachers. Brightly and figuratively, the students told the students the story of the independence of Kazakhstan from the creation of the Kazakh Khanate to the present day. During the presentation, folk melodies, modern songs and songs of the war years, verses of the great Kazakh poets were sounded.

At the end of event Deputy Head of military department colonel of the reserve Toyekin M.R. expressed words of gratitude to the lyceum headship for a high level of organization and warm welcome.