
Speciality Code:


Speciality Name:

Applied Kazakh Linguistics



  • Scientific and pedagogical direction - Master of Philological Sciences
  • Model of graduating student
  • Mandatory disciplines
  • Elective disciplines
  • Professional
ON1 To use the theoretical and methodological principles of history of Science, Philosophy, Psychology, pedagogy for educational and professional purposes.
ON2 Analysis of new scientific theories, principles of teaching the Kazakh as a foreign language and a second language, their methodological fundamentals, application of innovative technologies in practice.
ON3 To teach and use in translation practice knowledge of stylistics of language resources and types of functional styles, complex problems of the sentence system, orthoepic and orthogaphic norms of the Kazakh literary language in the comparative direction of the Kazakh language with other languages.
ON4 To assess the factors necessary for the viability of the modern language, current trends in the development of scientific and theoretical problems of the Kazakh literary language, the positive and negative impact of the diaspora language on the subsystem and external structural models of the Kazakh literary language, the state of linguoecological phenomena affecting the language.
ON5 To research Kazakh and Turkic languages in a comparative aspect in new areas.
ON6 In any speech situation, the correct use of language units in a functional semantic field in a comparative aspect.
ON7 To find and use in accordance with non-equivalent concepts to represent the country, national culture, and historical places in the field of Culture on the basis of country-specific information.
ON8 To differentiate the language, style, lexical and grammatical structure of normative legal acts, the usage of terms in order to ensure simple legal presence in the Kazakh language.
ON9 To determine the communicative orientation, communicative intent, idea and pragmatism of the author's texts for forensic linguistic examination.
ON10 To use computer technologies effectively in philological education, statistical methods in research work, various sources of information and knowledge in the professional level.
ON11 Effective practical usage of the acquired knowledge on the pragmatics of the Kazakh language in oral and written forms of communication in the state and foreign languages.
ON12 To master the methods of preparing texts for public oral speech, their high-quality construction in accordance with the specifics of the audience, methods of studying and engaging the audience, and the culture of eloquent speech.
ON13 Improving PR and advertising activities, creating high-quality content, the problem of literacy in modern copywriting, creative copywriting and its development, mastering the principles of media planning, the basics and techniques of creating advertising texts.
ON14 To conduct researching corpus using computer programs, creating a corpus.
  Data for 2021-2024 years
  Data for 2021-2024 years
  Data for 2021-2024 years