
Speciality Code:


Speciality Name:

Energy Management


of Physics and Technology

  • Scientific and pedagogical direction - Master of Engineering Sciences
  • Model of graduating student
  • Mandatory disciplines
  • Elective disciplines
  • Professional
ON1 Develop strategies and programs of management in the energy sector, based on the principles and methods of justification for innovative management of modern electric power industry with the interpretation of information for evaluating projects in the electric power sector.
ON2 To think critically and understand the role of history and philosophy in the modern system of views on management in the electric power industry.
ON3 Be able to formulate a problem, creatively approach its solution; knowledge of the methodology for the development of creative abilities; the ability to creatively use the accumulated experience and create new methods, taking into account the knowledge of the basics of management and psychology.
ON4 Use the mathematical apparatus and modern application software packages: to build mathematical models of electrical systems and networks for the analysis of their static and dynamic stability; for the mathematical interpretation of electrophysical phenomena.
ON5 Be able to collect, process, analyze and summarize scientific and technical information on the electric power industry, advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of energy management.
ОN6 Manage resources for creating digital models of technological processes for the production, transmission and distribution of electrical energy
ON7 Offer innovative management solutions for modern versions of quality management systems based on international standards
ON8 In order to create and master a new class of voltage in the power system of Kazakhstan, be able to calculate the characteristics of high-voltage equipment and the modes of electric networks and ultra-high voltage systems
ON9 Integrate computer-aided design systems into professional activities, implement the results of scientific and engineering experiments, mathematical models in energy facilities
ON 10 Analyze the influence of the electromagnetic environment of power facilities on the reliability indicators of automated process control systems
ON 11 In order to implement national programs on digitalization, energy conservation, and the development of renewable energy sources, solve engineering problems of energy management using the methods of natural sciences, innovative computer programs, and the physical and mathematical foundations of high voltages.
ON 12 Apply knowledge of higher school pedagogy and have the ability to teach management disciplines in educational institutions of various levels, using existing programs and teaching materials.
  Data for 2021-2024 years
  Data for 2021-2024 years
  Data for 2021-2024 years