
Speciality Code:


Speciality Name:



Biology and Biotechnology

  • Scientific and pedagogical direction - Master of Natural Sciences
  • Model of graduating student
  • Mandatory disciplines
  • Elective disciplines
  • Professional
ON1 to carry out multi-stage and simple tasks for the conduct of scientific research and the practical use of individual and team intellectual activity results in the study of the structure and function of genes, genomes and proteomes;
ON2 to carry out research activities in the field of molecular genetics of viruses using modern research methods, information and communication technologies;
ON3 to analyze and evaluate advanced scientific achievements, generate new ideas and popularize their scientific research in solving research and epidemiological and preventive tasks, including at the interdisciplinary level, as well as in project-oriented, game and simulation-model forms;
ON4 to use classical, virological and molecular genetic methods in laboratory diagnostics to identify and determine the nature of viral diseases of animals, plants and humans;
ON5 to own the principles of labor protection and safety of work with vaccinated material, methods of indication, isolation and identification of viruses in various pathological material;
ON6 to organize and conduct monitoring of the occurrence and spread of infectious, invasive and other diseases, biological pollution of the environment and quarantine measures, as well as determine methods of protecting the population in the centers of especially dangerous infections when the epidemiological situation worsens;
ON7 to determine the methodology for planning and implementing molecular virological studies for the purpose of researching viruses in natural communities; have the ability to search, critical analysis of problems associated with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of viral diseases, the production of diagnostic, therapeutic and prophylactic drugs;
ON8 to analyze the current state of research in the fields of medical, diagnostic and molecular virology, ways to solve practical problems, including in related fields, solve research problems and find alternative ways to solve them;
ON9 to plan experimental work in the field of molecular virology using high-tech techniques; methods for isolating viruses and diagnosing viral infections; as well as to interpret obtained results using bioinformation resources using the available databases of biological information;
ON10 to own various research methods (viroscopic, metagenomic, biological, serological, virus isolation and cultivation, molecular genetic, reverse genetics, analysis of viral genomes) used in virology to study the pathogenicity of viruses, identify and differentiate viruses by nucleic acid content; diagnostics of viral infections and detection of viruses in the test material;
ON11 to use the virology basics knowledge for the diagnosis and prevention of viral diseases of animals; skills in the use of biotechnological methods of isolation, separation, purification and design of biologically active substances, production of biological products;
ON12 to analyze and generalize the results of scientific research in the field of science and education by applying a complex of modern scientific methods and technologies in solving specific research problems
  Data for 2021-2024 years
  Data for 2021-2024 years
  Data for 2021-2024 years