Bachelor courses

Speciality Code:


Speciality Name:

Kazakh Philology



  • First Stage of Higher Education - Bachelor of Linguistics
  • Model of graduating student
  • Mandatory disciplines
  • Elective disciplines
  • Professional
ON1 Analyzes scientific and theoretical problems in the world and Kazakh linguistics in secondary and special education organizations. Under the leadership of the responsible executive, the discussion of topical issues of communication theory, cultural studies, semiotics, philosophy, sociology, and psychology is associated with linguistics as an important interdisciplinary course in humanitarian education. Uses advanced domestic and foreign experience. Linguistic and literary facts related to the history and culture of Kazakhstan are used in the process of sociology, cultural studies in the description of philosophy and political science. Being formed new ideas in the field of linguistics and literature. Has a scientific knowledge of philology.
ON2 Conducts research on the formation and development of the Kazakh language, communication between modern languages and modern groups of languages, the origin and evolution of words, changes in grammatical and linguistic forms in scientifiv research and academic institutions.Actual problems of linguistic and historical-literary research are connected with the history of culture and national ideology.
ON3 analyzes the semantic structure of speech as a specialist with higher education, determines the deep internal genetics and semantic meaning. Disables sound and letter connection in phonology. The reason for the lack of synchronicity, pronunciation of sounds is determined. Depending on the content of the word, word formation, sentence structure, logical and grammatical types can be analyzed in accordance with the communicative requirements. It can synthesize speech at the text level in accordance with specific speech situations. Studies the content, methods and ways of teaching the Kazakh language. Applies the latest advances in methodology in secondary and special education organizations
ON4 Conducts research in the field of linguistics, literary studies,folklore and textology in accordance with established scientific methods.Constructs semantic, comparative, mythological, editing scientific literature, historical analysis, philological analysis. Knows the prerequisites of writing, processing, semantics of basic text units. It determines the complex development of the semantic field with their conceptual value and their relations. Will be able to work with texts in different functional styles. It compares and evaluates text based on thematic content.
ON5 Based on knowledge of the basic principles of modern linguistics and literary studies, the basic principles of the theory and history of the Kazakh language, consultations on various issues of linguistics and literary criticism, the categorical apparatus of philology of science, theory and history of the Kazakh language, history of Kazakh literature in secondary and special education organizations

ON6 Effectively uses methods and tools for searching, storing, processing information in mass media. Uses software and hardware for computer systems and networks for collecting, transmitting, processing and storing data. Internet resources use services for searching, editing and distributing information. Applies digital technologies to develop analysis and data management tools for various activities. Conducts design work on the specialty with the use of modern information and communication technologies.
ON7 Engaged in the development, description and systematization of the dictionary of onomastics (toponyms, hydronyms, etc.), in order to unify the terms to improve concepts and definitions in various fields of science, technology and national economy. Translates fiction, scientific ,technical, and various specialized literature.
ON8 Make research writing in all spheres of social life,state institutions and organizations: abstracts, articles, philosophical comments, analytical essays, review articles, research reports, educational research projects, research reports, abstracts and philological comments using modern computer technology. Prepares scientific work.
ON9 Carries out informational and communicative activities in the field of interpersonal, social, professional, intercultural communication in a foreign / Russian / Kazakh language in the context of the implementation of state programs for the study of three languages and the spiritual revival of national self-awareness in interlingual and intercultural communication. Writing of oral and written texts in various styles and genres, observance of orthoepic, orthographic, punctuation, lexical, grammatical, stylistic norms of Kazakh / Russian / English literary languages.
ON10 Edit handwriting text input to provide graphic and lexical alignment of various text elements. Spelling and punctuation work with errors. Edit semantic and stylistic flaws of the text. Edit cientific, technical, socio-political, economic materials in secondary and special education organizations
ON11 Prepare scientific works, textbooks, teaching aids and language learning dictionaries. Analyze terms created for specific areas of human activity as a linguist. Will be able to systematically investigate terminology and discuss unsolved terminology problems in secondary and special education organizations
ON12 Will analyze social, business, cultural, law and ethnic situations as well as the system of values of Kazakh society and their relationship. During important events, uses methods of relationships as well as beneficial dialogue. It establishes business relationships in a team. Shows skills in conducting scientific debates and It also determines its position on social and interpersonal relations, different periods of Kazakh society, programs, language and culture associated with sociopolitical facts.
  Data for 2021-2024 years
  Data for 2021-2024 years
  Data for 2021-2024 years