2022 year

  1. Zolotarenko, A.D., Schur, D., Veziroglu, A., Ramazanov, T.S., Gabdullin, M.T. The use of ultrapure molecular hydrogen enriched with atomic hydrogen in apparatuses of artificial lung ventilation in the fight against virus COVID-19// International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. – 2022. – Vol. 11(47). – p. 7281-7288. Q1
  2. Zolotarenko, A.D., Schur, D., Veziroglu, A., Akhanova, N.Y., Gabdullin, M.T., Ramazanov T.S. Methods of theoretical calculations and of experimental researches of the system atomic hydrogen – metal // International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. – 2022. – Vol. 11(47). – p. 7310-7327. Q1
  3. Moldabekov, Z.A., Dornheim, T., Bonitz, M. Screening of a test charge in a free-electron gas at warm dense matter and dense non-ideal plasma conditions // Contributions to Plasma Physics. – 2022. – Vol. 2(62). – p. e202000176. Q3
  4. Askerbekov, S., Kenzhina, I., Kulsartov, T., Chikhray Y., Kadyrzhanov, K., Nesterov, E., Tazhibayeva I., Ponkratov Yu., Zaurbekova Zh., Gabdullin M. Analysis of reactor experiments to study the transfer processes of generated tritium in lithium cps (capillary-porous system). – 2022. – Vol. 11(47). – p. 7368-7378. Q1
  5. Dzhumagulova K.N., Shalenov E.O., Tashkenbayev Y.A., Ramazanov T.S. Electron-atom interactions in dense semiclassical helium plasma // Physics of Plasmas. – 2022. – Vol. 1(29). – p. 012101. Q2
  6. Yerlanuly, Yerassyl; Zhumadilov, Rakhymzhan Ye; Danko, Igor V.; Janseitov, Daniyar M.; Nemkayeva, Renata R.; Kireyev, Alexander V.; Arystan, Aidana B.; Akhtanova, Gulnur; Vollbrecht, Joachim; Schopp, Nora; Nurmukhanbetova, Aliya; Ramazanov, Tlekkabul S. Effect of Electron and Proton Irradiation on Structural and Electronic Properties of Carbon Nanowalls // ACS Omega. – 2022. – Vol. 7(51). – p. 48467 – 48475. Q2
  7. Abdirakhmanov A.R., Karasev, V. Yu.; Dzlieva E.S.; Pavlov S.I.; Novikov L.A.; Dosbolayev M.K.; Kodanova S.K.; Ramazanov T.S. Rotation of a Dust Structure in Strong Nonuniform Magnetic Field // High Temperature. – 2022. – Vol. 60. – p. S153 - S158. Q3
  8. Djienbekov N.E.; Bastykova, N. Kh.; Bekbussyn A.M.; Ramazanov T.S.; Kodanova S.K. Shear viscosity in two-dimensional dipole systems // Physical Review E. – 2022. – Vol. 6(106). – p. 065203. Q1
  9. Ramazanov T.S.; Issanova M.K.; Aldakul, Ye. K.; Kodanova S.K. Ion core effect on transport characteristics in warm dense matter // Physics of Plasmas. – 2022. – Vol. 29(11). – p. 112706. Q2
  10. Yerlanuly Y.; Gabdullin M.T.; Nemkayeva R.R.; Zhumadilov R.; Alpysbayeva B.Y.; Ramazanov T.S. Obtaining of Carbon Nanowalls with A Specified Morphology // IEEE International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference Proceedings. – 2022. Q4
  11. Dosbolayev M.K., Tazhen A.B., Ramazanov T.S., Ussenov Y.A. Investigation of dust formation during changes in the structural and surface properties of plasma-irradiated materials // Nuclear Materials and Energy. – 2022. - Vol. 33, P. 101300. Q1
  12. Tazhen A., Dosbolayev M., Ramazanov T. Investigation of self-generated magnetic field and dynamics of a pulsed plasma flow // Plasma Science and Technology, Vol. 24(5), P. 055403. Q3
  13. Dosbolayev M.K., Igibayev Z.B., Tazhen A.B., Ramazanov T.S. Preliminary Study of the Solid-State Pulsed Plasma Thruster Model with Graphite as а Propellant // Plasma Physics Reports. – 2022. - Vol. 48(3), P. 263-270. Q4
  14. Ussenov Y.A., Akildinova A., Kuanbaevich B.A., Serikovna A.K., Gabdullin M., Dosbolayev M., Daniyarov T., Ramazanov T. The Effect of Non-Thermal Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Treatment of Wheat Seeds on Germination Parameters and α-Amylase Enzyme Activity // IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Vol. 50(2), P. 330-340. Q4
  15. Ramazanov T.S., Kodanova S.K., Issanova M.K., Omiraliyeva G.K. Investigation of the influence of single-particle oscillations on the transport properties of dense plasma // Contributions to Plasma Physics, 2022, Vol. 62(10), - p. e202200018. Q3
  16. Ramazanov T., Batryshev D., Utegenov A., Zhumadilov R., Akhanova N., Orazbayev S., Ussenkhan S., Lin Jiashu, Takahashi Kazuo, Bastykova N., Kodanova S., Gabdullin M. Carbon nanoparticles characteristics synthesized in pulsed radiofrequency discharge and their effect on surface hydrophobicity // Contributions to Plasma Physics, 2022, Vol. 62(10), P. e202100238. Q3
  17. Kodanova S., Abdirakhmanov A., D'yachkov, L., Bastykova N., Ramazanov T. Ring dust structures in a weak inhomogeneous magnetic field   // Contributions to Plasma Physics, 2022, Vol. 62(10), P. e202100254. Q3
  18. Dzhumagulova K.N., Seisembayeva M.M., Shalenov E.O., Kossymkyzy Z., Turekhanova K.M., Jumagulov M., Ramazanov T.S. Effective interaction potentials and the scattering cross sections of the Lorentzian dense semiclassical plasma particles // Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics, 2022, Vol. 447, P. 128313. Q2
  19. Omiraliyeva G.K., Maiorov S.A., Kodanova S.K., Bastykova N.Kh., Golyatina R.I., Ramazanov T.S. The effect of magnetic field on diffusion and drift of electrons in helium and xenon // Physics of Plasmas, 2022, Vol. 29(4), P. 043502. Q3
  20. Dzhumagulova K.N., Shalenov E.O., Tashkenbayev Y.A., Ramazanov T.S. Study of the electron-atom collisions in dense semiclassical plasma of noble gases // Journal of Plasma Physics. – 2022. - Vol. 88(1), P. 905880119. Q2
  21. Abdirakhmanov A.R., Kodanova S.K., Ramazanov T.S. Dynamics of dust particles in the glow discharge stratum in crossed E × B field // Contributions to Plasma Physics. – 2022. Q3       
  22. Seisembayeva M.M., Reinholz H., Shalenov E.O., Jumagulov M.N., Dzhumagulova K.N. Coulomb logarithm and the Dreicer field in a dense semiclassical plasma        // Contrib. Plasma Phys. – 2022. – P. e202200014. (IF WoS – 1.608; SJR Scopus – 0.448; квартиль по WoS – Q3; Percentile Scopus – 39).       Q3
  23. Masheyeva R.U.; Dzhumagulova K.N.; Myrzaly M. Study of the Charging of Dust Grains in Space Plasma // Plasma Physics Reports. – 2022. – Vol. 48(11). – p. 1203-1210. Q3
  24. Shalenov E.O., Nuraly A.T., Dzhumagulova K.N. Bound states of the hydrogen atom in high-density plasmas  // Contrib. Plasma Phys. – 2022. – P. e202200017. (IF WoS – 1.608; SJR Scopus – 0.448; квартиль по WoS – Q3; Percentile Scopus – 39).     Q3
  25. Kakimov, Alibek G.;Yerlanuly, Yerassyl; Akhanuly Assylan; Dossayev, Iliyas T.; Shalenov, Erik; Sadirkhanov, Zhandos; Dzhumagulova, Karlygash N.; Ng, Annied; Jumabekov A.N. Passivation of perovskite layer surface states with pyridine in flexible and printed perovskite solar cells // Flexible and Printed Electronics. – 2022. – Vol. 7(3). – p. 035012. Q2
  26. Parkhomenko H.P.; Shalenov E.O.; Umatova Z.; Dzhumagulova K.N.; Jumabekov A.N. Fabrication of Flexible Quasi-Interdigitated Back-Contact Perovskite Solar Cells // Energies. – 2022. – Vol. 15(9). – p. 3056. Q2
  27. Shalenov, Erik; Seitkozhanov, Yeldos; Valagiannopoulos, Constantinos; Ng, Annie; Dzhumagulova, Karlygash; Jumabekov A.N. Performance evaluation of different designs of back-contact perovskite solar cells // Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells. – 2022. – Vol. 234. – p. 111426. Q1
  28. Syzganbayeva S., Ara J., Askaruly A., Ashikbayeva A. Tkachenko I. Arkhipov Y. Collective phenomena in a quasi-classical electron fluid within the interpolational self-consistent method of moments // EPL, 140 (2022) 11001, doi: 10.1209/0295-5075/ac9156. Scopus: (Процентиль 59%), Web of Scince: Q3
  29. Y. Y. Sirenko, S. Sautbekov, N. Yashina and K. Sirenko. A New Approach to Formation and Directed Radiation of Powerful Short Radio Pulses // IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science. – 2022. – Vol. 50(10). – p. 3422-3433. Q3
  30. Shestakova L.I.; Kenzhebekova A.I.; Serebryanskiy A.V. On survival of dust grains in the sublimation zone of cold white dwarfs // Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. – 2022. – Vol. 514(1). – p. 997-1005. Q1
  31. Kangozhin B.R.; Baimuratov O.A.; Zharmagambetova M.S.; Dautov S.S.; Kangozhin D.B. Noise Immunity of Devices of Automated Systems for Technological Control of Energy Facilities in the Almaty Region // Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH. Studies in Systems, Decision and Control. - 2022. – Vol. 399. – p. 277 – 290. Q3