International Scientific Conference (1st Zharikbayev Readings) on the theme "Actual problems of psychology and pedagogy development" dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the Professor K.B. Zharikbayev


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On the 17th of November 2022, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University will host an International Scientific Conference (1st Zharikbayev Readings) on the theme "Actual problems of psychology and pedagogy development" dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the Professor K.B. Zharikbayev (1927-2021) - doctor of psychological sciences, doctor of pedagogical sciences.

Kubigul Bozayevich Zharikbayev is an outstanding, Kazakh psychologist and pedagogue, the author of over 1,000 scientific works, who educated more than one generation of Kazakh scientists, psychologists and pedagogues.

Kubigul Bozayevich is rightfully considered as the founder of ethnopsychology, ethnopedagogy and the history of psychology in Kazakhstan; he made a significant contribution to the establishment and development of the Kazakh psychological school as well as to the educating psychologists in Kazakh as part of higher education.

More than 100 people will take part in the conference. These are scientists, psychologists, teachers, students and master students from Kazakhstan, Russia, Germany, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and other countries. During the conference current problems of modern psychological and pedagogical science will be discussed in the context of K.B. Zharikbayev's ideas, research experience, scientific and applied results of psychological and pedagogical research will be exchanged.

Students and colleagues of K.B. Zharikbayev will share their memories about him and talk about the creative and professional path of the remarkable Friend, Teacher and Scientist.

The materials of the International Scientific Conference "Actual problems of development of psychology and pedagogy" (Zharikbayev Readings) are planned to be published.

All are welcome to attend.

The conference will have a mixed format (offline and online).


Address of the event:

Almaty, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Al-Farabi Library, Conference Hall 409

71/27 Al-Farabi Avenue (entrance from Timiryazev side)


Link for online participation:

Connect to Zoom conference

Conference ID: 884 5957 6559

Access code: 871704


Organizers: Department of General and Applied Psychology, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.


For additional information, media representatives can contact Adilova Elnura Temirkanovna +7 747 631 83 11, Sadvakasova Zukhra Maratovna +7 701 474 88 98, Baimoldina Laura Orazbekovna +7 702 320 5691