Woman in Science


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The staff of the department sincerely congratulates Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Natalia Aleksandrova Burkova on her 65th birthday

Woman in Science

Natalya Aleksandrova Burkova was born on April 25, 1956 in the extraordinary city of Alma - Ata, Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic. In 1973 she graduated from secondary school number 15 with a gold medal, after which she entered the Kazakh State University named after Kirov in Almaty in 1973. She completed her studies with honors in 1978 and entered graduate school. After graduating from graduate school, she got a job at the Department of Theoretical Physics at the same Kirov University. In 1988 she defended her Ph.D. thesis on the topic "Cluster effects in the processes of photodisintegration of µ-capture" under the guidance of M.A. Zhusupov. 1993-1994, she worked as a visiting fellow at the Paul Scherrer Institute in Switzerland and completed a month of internship at the Canadian TRIUMF particle accelerator. She made invited talks at MAXLAB (Belgium), the University of Bonn (Germany), the Institute for Theoretical Physics (Graz, Austria), at the 1991 Gordon Conference on Photonuclear Physics in the USA, as well as in many other scientific conferences in the USSR. In 2006 she defended her doctoral dissertation on "A dynamic approach to nonlinear phenomena in electromagnetic processes on light clustered nuclei". Now Natalya Aleksandrova still works at the now Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi as a professor at the Department of Theoretical and Nuclear Physics, teaching 15 subjects to students at Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral programs. Under her leadership, 2 candidate dissertations were defended at this university, one - PhD, more than 30 master's theses. Has more than a hundred scientific publications in prestigious international journals, of which 32 in SCOPUS and two monographs published by the German publishing house LAMBERT, has an h-index of 8.
We, her students and colleagues, sincerely wish her health, happiness, prosperity and long life surrounded by people who love her!

Department staff