Basic statistics 2


Views: 1850

The leader of the circle: Kabdrakhova S.S., c.f.-m.s., senior lecturer at the Department of Computer Science

Time: Tuesday 16:00

Cost: Free

The course is intended for: students of 2-4 courses and undergraduates


Course Objective: The purpose of the course is to study data analysis methods that are most often used in statistical processing of results in a wide range of scientific and applied fields. In addition to theoretical tasks, students are expected to perform practical tasks that must be performed using the Python programming language. The knowledge gained as a result of this course will be enough to learn how to solve various tasks related to data analysis more quickly and effectively.


Description: As a result of the course, students will learn how to analyze nominative data, linear regression and logistic regression problems, models with one or two nominative predictors, interaction of predictors, the method of main components and implement them on Pythone.