100 books. Alexander Griboedov “Woe from Wit”


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“Woe from Wit” - a comedy in verses by A.S. Griboedova. It combines elements of classicism and new to the beginning of the XIX century, romanticism and realism. It describes secular society since serfdom and shows the life of 1808-1824. "The action itself takes place ... ten years after the war of 1812, that is, in 1822."

The comedy “Woe from Wit” - a satire on the aristocratic Moscow society of the first half of the 19th century - is one of the peaks of Russian dramaturgy and poetry; actually completed "comedy in poetry" as a genre. The aphoristic style contributed to the fact that it "went into quotes."

The goal of the open hour is to promote reading, respect for books among students.

Students were divided into two groups, revealed the contents of books, revealed their thoughts. The open curatorial hour was very interesting. We hope that in the future there will be more such classes.