Plan of activities for educational work

The name of events
Responsible for   the implementation
Due date
Approval of the annual plan of activities for the educational work of the department
Zh. Shortanbayeva
august 27th 
Approval of individual annual plans for the educational work of the teaching staff of the department
Zh. Shortanbayeva
august 27th
Appointment of a person responsible for   educational work in the department
S. Bolegenova
august 27th
Approval of the reporting schedule for   teaching staff on educational work at the meetings of the department
Zh. Shortanbayeva
august 27th
Preparation of a report by the head of the   department on educational work at the educational council 
(report in the form   of booklets, albums and presentations)
Zh. Shortanbayeva
once a year
Organization of work with students in the form of professional clubs, scientific circles, student design bureaus,   
student laboratories
M. Sultan
during a year