I-WEB of the European Union Program TEMPUS
September 24-25, 2015 in Kazakh National University named Al-Farabi and CAREC held the final conference of the project "I-WEB (Integrated Water Resource Management: the impact of capacity development and education and business) of the European Union Program TEMPUS.
This conference summed up the implementation of the three-year EU project in Kazakhstan, performed by a consortium of 15 partners headed by the Middlesex University of London (MU).
During the Conference, a lot of attention was paid to international experience and best practices in the field of IUVTS, water policy and diplomacy in the Central Asian region, the role of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea (IFAS), represented Middlesex University London, Leipzig University, the Technical University of Valencia, University of Cyprus , CAREC, and recognized by international and national experts on cross-border cooperation in the Central Asian region.
A special session of the Conference was devoted to the experience of the development and implementation of educational programs IUVTS for undergraduates of Kazakh universities, has demonstrated experience in international cooperation, interdisciplinarity in the field of ecology, IWRM, sustainable development and new training manual in English and Russian languages in support of this course, which is presented Kazakhstani experts from the treasury of the project, and KokGU ICGS.
Particular attention was paid to the role of young leaders in Central Asia by linking this Conference and the Central Asian Leadership Programme, CAREC conducted from 2010 to 2015. Graduates of the sixth leadership programs conducted by CAREC, in cooperation with UNEP and with the support of the Norwegian Government and the OSCE Centre in Astana, had the opportunity to talk about her role in the development of cross-border cooperation between the five Central Asian countries and Afghanistan to stabilize the results of the project, and opportunities for replication of its results in Central Asia.