Dr.Dieter Gollmann


Просмотров: 601

Research Interests


Dieter’s research interest range from communications security, to software security, and on to applications security. Current research looks at Brain Computer Interfaces, cyber-physical systems, risk management in socio-technical systems, and web applications.




Dieter received his Dipl.-Ing. in Engineering Mathematics (1979) and Dr.tech. (1984) from JKU Linz, Austria at the Department for System Science. He earned the Dr. habil. at the Karlsruhe Intitute of Technology, Germany, where he was awarded the ‘venia legendi’ for Computer Science in 1991. He was a Lecturer in Computer Science at Royal Holloway, University of London, and rejoined Royal Holloway later in 1990, where he was the first Course Director of the MSc in Information Security. He’s still giving guest lectures in Royal Holloway. He joined Microsoft Research Lab – Cambridge in 1998. In 2003, he took the chair for Security in Distributed Applications at Hamburg University of Technology, Germany.