
Кафедра является выпускающей специалистов по следующим специальностям бакалавриата:

5В0111900 - Иностранный язык: два иностранных языка

5В021000 - Иностранная филология: английский язык

1. Лицензия на право ведения специальности «050119 – Иностранный язык: два иностранных языка» получена в 2009 г. серия АА № 0000001, дата выдачи лицензии № 0106265 от 27 апреля 2009 г., приказ МОН РК № 516 от 27.04.2009 г. Первый набор студентов осуществлен в 2009 году. В 2010 г. шифр специальности был перерегистрирован на 5В011900 «Иностранный язык: два иностранных языка» в соответствии с лицензией серии АБ № 0137355 от 03.02.2010, приказ МОН РК № 168.

По специальности 5В011900 (050119) «Иностранный язык: два иностранных языка» подготовка ведется с 2009 года на государственном, русском и иностранных языках по очной форме обучения на базе среднего общего, среднего профессионального образования и высшего образования.

В 2009 году осуществлен набор студентов в группы с казахским и русским языками обучения, однако преподавание дисциплин ведется, в основном, на английском языке.

По окончанию обучения выпускнику специальности 5В011900 (050119) «Иностранный язык: два иностранных языка» присваивается академическая степень «бакалавр образования по специальности Иностранный язык: два иностранных языка».

Студенты набора: 2010-2011, 2011-2012 уч. гг. обучаются по экспериментальной образовательной программе, утвержденной научно- методическим советом КазНУ им. аль-Фараби (протокол № 3 от 28.01.2010) .

Цель экспериментальной программы КазНУ им. аль-Фараби – разработка и внедрение программ бакалавриата с учетом требований современного отечественного и международного рынков труда и образовательных услуг.

Основные направления экспериментальной программы:

  • · формирование новых перечней дисциплин, изменение и дополнение

каталога элективных дисциплин бакалавриата;

  • · усиление языковой подготовки студентов, и введения обучения на

английском языке;

  • · дальнейшее совершенствование кредитной технологии.

2. Специальность «050210 – Иностранная филология» введена в действие Приказом № 461 от 25.08.2006 г. В 2010 году выдана лицензия специальности в соответствии с новым классификатором ГК РК 08-2009: серия АА №0137355, срок действия – без ограничения, дата выдачи 03.02.2010 года, Приказ МОН РК № 168 от 03.02.2010г. (номер приложения к лицензии 0106788 от 03.02.2010г.).

До 2010 года реализация образовательной программы по специальности «5В021000 – Иностранная филология» осуществлялась в соответствии с ГОСО 3.08.380-2006, а с 2010-2011 учебного года согласно приказу МОН РК № 15 от 7.04.2010г. подготовка бакалавров ведется по экспериментальной образовательной программе (ЭОП) КазНУ им.аль-Фараби.

Подготовка бакалавров специальности ведется на государственном и русском языках по очной форме обучения на базе среднего общего и среднего профессионального образования. Срок обучения: 4 и 3 года. По окончании учебы выпускнику специальности «5В021000 (050210) – Иностранная филология» присваивается академическая степень: бакалавр гуманитарных знаний по специальности «Иностранная филология».

С 2010-2011 уч.г. обучение ведется в режиме эксперимента, для реализации которого были подготовлены экспериментальная образовательная программа (ЭОП) (утверждена ученым советом, протокол №3, от 28.01.2010г.) по специальности. Согласно ЭОП расширена академическая выборность в определении траектории содержания учебных программ: увеличен компонент по выбору – в бакалавриате с 40% до 50%. ЭОП внедряется в полном соответствии с ГОСО РК 5.04.019 – 2008, в котором отмечается необходимость реализации принципов демократического характера управления образованием, расширения границ академической свободы и полномочий высших учебных заведений.

Кроме того, кафедра выпускает бакалавров специальностей "5В011700 - Казахский язык и илтература", "5В050205 - Казахская филология", "5В050205 - Русская филология", "5В011800 - Русская литература".

Для студентов бакалавриата преподавателями кафедры на протяжении многих лет ведутся курсы:

  • введение в языкознание;
  • введение в контрастивную лингвистику;
  • введение в тюркскую филологию;
  • общее языкознание;
  • прикладная лингвистика;
  • сопоставительная грамматика казахского и русского языков;
  • Национальный корпус языка;
  • Социолингвистика;
  • Психолингвистика;
  • Когнитивная линвистика;
  • теория усвоения второго языка;
  • история лингвистических учений;
  • сравнительная грамматика тюркских/славянских языков;
  • лингвистический анализ текста;
  • древнетюркский язык;
  • метаязык лингвистики;
  • судебно-лингвистическая экспертиза и др.

Кафедра готовит специалистов по специальностям бакалавра:

5B011900 Иностранный язык: два иностранных языка,

5B021000 Иностранная филология: английский язык.
"5В011700 - Казахский язык и илтература",

"5В050205 - Казахская филология",

"5В050205 - Русская филология",

"5В011800 - Русская литература".




Название дисциплины

ФИО преподавателя

Краткая аннотация дисциплине

050119 – Иностранный язык: два иностранных языка (английский язык)

Методология и методика лингвистических исследований

Азаматова А.Х.

Кузембекова Ж.Ж.

This course introduces students to the methodology and methods of modern linguistic research in the framework of domestic and foreign schools and trends. The aim of the course is to give students basic knowledge about the basic principles and methods of scientific research, to acquaint with the most important directions and techniques of linguistic analysis, with the principles of selection of literature and language material for scientific research. Such an approach is important to extend the base of linguistic competence, the formation of a complete conceptual system and functional terminological apparatus.

Topics include: developing research questions; combining methods; quantitative research designs; corpus analysis; qualitative research methods, ets.

Екінші шет тілін оқытудың әдістемесі

Second Foreign Language Teaching Methodology

Карагойшиева Д.А.

Second Foreign Language Teaching Methodology considers teaching techniques for a wide variety of English, German, French languages as a second language settings including teaching writing, reading, pronunciation, via multimedia, suggestopedia and teaching theory. The aim of discipline is to establish the main methods in teaching of second foreign language. This course introduces and discusses the most important aspects of teaching: basic theory, the types of teaching methodology, teaching speaking, grammar, listening, reading and writing skills, how to assess student needs, develop a syllabus, and hints and tricks for a more enjoyable teaching environment. During the course ready to go lesson plans will be provided to help the students implement the techniques discussed.

Методология и методика полевых лингвистических исследований

Кондыбаева Р.Ж.

The field linguistics is a complex of methods for research and descriptions of language which the researcher practically does not know and the information about it receives from native speakers. Field linguistics refers to the collection of primary linguistic data on the basic grammatical facts of a relatively little studied language in a relatively natural setting from ordinary speakers, and to the analysis and dissemination of such data.

This type of data collection is usually called “fieldwork.” Classic fieldwork is done in “the field,” the area where speakers actually live, or, even more classically, the area from which the speakers’ ancestors originated.

Методика обучение второму иностранному языку

Кондыбаева Р.Ж.

The aim of the course is to consider the main methods in teaching of second foreign language. The object of second foreign language teaching method is any language as a foreign language. It can be as soon as English and other languages, e.g. German, French etc. this course gives general information about teaching methods such a way of teaching a language which is based on systematic principles and procedures, i.e., which is an application of views on how a language is best taught and learned.

Methodology and methods of semantic studies (ағыл) (Лекция/Семинар)

Кузембекова Ж.Ж.

The aim of the course is the systematic study of methodology and methods of semantics analysis. Semantic analysis tries to figure out the meaning of linguistic input. In other words, language is processed so as to produce common-sense knowledge about the world. Applications include information retrieval, human-computer interaction, machine translation, and many others, some of which are covered by the course. The aim of the course is to cover the mainstream approaches and to review case studies representing the state-of-the-art. The problem is clearly not yet solved and one aim of the course is to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of various approaches and encourage creative thinking.


Джарасова Т.Т.

The aim of the course is the study the development of the vocabulary, the origin of

words and word-groups, their semantic relations and the development of their

sound form and meaning. The course of Modern English Lexicology is of great practical importance as the language learner will obtain much valuable information concerning the English word_stock and the laws and regulations governing the formation and usage of English words and word_groups.

050210-Иностранная филология

Theoretical Grammar

Исмаилова Г.А.

Our aim of the course is to provide the students with a brief survey of English morphological problems in the light of present-day linguistics and to provide students with a solid foundation in the description and analysis of the grammatical system of the English language, which constitute one of the fundamental professional language competences.

Theoretical Phonetics

Оразбекова И.Г.

The main objective of the course on theoretical phonetics is the formation of linguistic and professional competence, preparation of bachelors for the future philological and research activity, development of critical thinking for theoretical foundations, for various approaches and directions of the phonetics and phonology theory. The course deals with the subject and the object of theoretical phonetics, with the role of theoretical phonetics as one of the humanities, dynamics of development of pronunciation of the target foreign language, methods of research of the language sound system, structure of sound system of the studied language, its components, the nature and functions of sound phenomena within their system and their interaction.

История методов обучения иностранным языкам

History of Foreign Language Teaching Methods

Оразбекова И.Г.

The course provides historical survey of general theoretical positions of the national and foreign methods, promotes the formation of students scientific outlook of evolutionary way of development of methods as a science, helps to solve up-to-date theoretical and practical problems. The course considers main objectives, principles and the subject-matter of teaching foreign languages, the basic groups of methods of teaching foreign languages, stages of development of foreign languages teaching methods.

The History of the English Language

Турумбетова Л.А.

The course “The History of the English language” is intented to acquaint students with the the main events of the English language development from the ancient times till modern days. The historical background of the main pecularities of functioning of the English language in the modern world are taken into account. The historical characteristics of the development of the main parts of speech of the English language are given in the course.

Modern Methods of Foreign Language Teaching

Мустафина Г.К.

This course provides an overview of the theoretical and practical issues involved in the teaching of second or foreign language (L2). Learn the most effective techniques for teaching English language learners. Explore current methods in English Language teaching in specific language skill areas such as listening, speaking, reading, writing, pronunciation, vocabulary development and grammar, with emphasis placed on communicative teaching techniques and theories. Discover textbooks, audio-visual aids, instructional techniques and evaluation procedures for ESL learners at various levels.

50210 – Иностранная филология

Терминологический корпус совр.англ.яз.

Азаматова А.Х.

Кузембекова Ж.Ж.

The discipline is devoted to research of terminological system of the English language. Terminological corpus of modern English language aims to provide in-depth studies and background information pertaining to Lexicography and Terminology. Discipline includes philosophical, historical, theoretical, computational and cognitive approaches. It focuses on structures for purpose- and domain-specific compilation (LSP), dictionary design, and training.

Terminological corpus of modern English language is the discipline with a cross-cultural and cross-disciplinary scope. It focuses on the discussion of (systematic) solutions not only of language problems encountered in translation, but also, for example, of (monolingual) problems of ambiguity, reference and developments in multidisciplinary communication. Particular attention will be given to new and developing subject areas such as knowledge representation and transfer, information technology tools, expert systems and terminological databases. Terminology encompasses terminology both in general (theory and practice) and in specialized fields (LSP), such as technology; management; law; arts; business administration; trade; economics; and any other area in which terminology is essential to improve communication.

Корпусная лингвистика

Азаматова А.Х.

The purpose of teaching of discipline «Corpus Linguistics» – to show students-philologists an opportunity of use National Language Corpus for more deeper studying native and foreign languages, penetration into other culture, at a writing of scientific work, during teaching (drawing up of teaching materials for lecture and seminar training; drawing up of exercises, tests and control; the organization of independent study of students and schoolboys; the organization of scientific work of students); to generate at students the system representation about applicability and development of computer technologies in philological researches.

Қазіргі шет тілінің фразеологиясы

Кондыбаева Р.Ж.

The objective of the course “Phraseology of the modern foreign language” is to review the main contributions of linguistics to the definition of phraseology as an autonomous linguistic discipline, with the aim of specifying its object of investigation and studying the linguistic phenomena characteristic. Phraseology is an intermediary field, being close, in the reference literature, both to vocabulary studies, since it studies fixed word combinations, characterized by a unitary meaning, as well as to syntax, since phraseologic phenomena are defined by syntactic relations of various kinds, which are realized on a syntagmatic axis.

Қазақ және ағылшын тілдерінің салыстырмалы типологиясы

Contrastive typology of Kazakh and English languages

Карагойшиева Д.А.

Contrastive typology as a branch of linguistics comes from "type" or "typical", hence, it aims at establishing similar general linguistic categories serving as a basis for the classification of languages of different types, irrespective of their genealogical relationship. Contrastive typology, as the notion itself reveals it, represents a linguistic subject of typology based on the method of comparison or contrasting. Like typology proper, which has hitherto been practised, contrastive typology also aims at establishing the most general structural types of languages on the basis of their dominant or common phonetical/phonetic, morphological, lexical and syntactic features. Apart from this contrastive typology may equally treat dominant or common features only, as well as divergent features/phenomena only, which are found both in Kazakh and English languages of the same structural type (synthetic, analytical, agglutinative, etc.) as well as in languages of different structural types (synthetic and analytical, agglutinative and incorporative, etc.)

English Stylistics

Таева Р.М.

The course provides the development of students’ professional competence in the field of stylistics: it gives students theoretical knowledge on the stylistic means of the language, functional styles of the language, principles and methods of stylistic analysis, as well as the formation of skills to adequately apply various means for achieving the goals of communication. The objectives of the course include also the development of students’ skills to give the stylistic analysis of texts in a foreign language, the formation of students’ sociolinguistic competence for effective use of the target foreign language in different social contexts.

50117 - Казахский язык и литература

Лингвистикалық типология

Linguistic typology

Карагойшиева Д.А.

Кузембекова Ж.Ж.

Linguistic typology studies the systems of languages comparatively, also finds common laws of languages and establishes differences and similarities between them. There is the huge number of language in the world. Every of these languages have individual attributes and this attributes distinguish from other languages on the one hand. On the other hand have general attributes with other languages which unite the languages. The grouping of languages on the basis of this attribute already is a grouping on the basis of one language attribute and allocates the typological characteristic of corresponding languages. The special section of linguistics which has received the name of linguistic typology or typology of languages is engaged in research, allocation and the characteristic of these general attributes of languages and their grouping.

Контрастивтік лингистика

Contrastive Linguistics

Карагойшиева Д.А.

Кузембекова Ж.Ж.

The aim of Contrastive linguistics is to attempt to find out similarities & differences in both related & non-related languages. Contrastive analysis grew as the result of the practical demands of a language-teaching methodology, where it was empirically shown that the errors which are made by foreign language students can be often traced back to the differences in structure between the target language & the language of the learner. In this course the students study the identification of points of structural similarity and difference between two languages, the historical development of contrastive linguistics. Contrastive analyzes describes similarities and differences among two or more languages at such levels as phonology, grammar, and semantics.

Переводческое дело

Functional Stylistics of English and Russian/Kazakh Languages

Таева Р.М.

The course provides the development of students’ professional competence in the field of stylistics: it gives students theoretical knowledge on the stylistic means of the language, functional styles of the language, principles and methods of stylistic analysis, as well as the formation of skills to adequately apply various means for achieving the goals of communication. The objectives of the course include also the development of students’ skills to give the stylistic analysis of texts in a foreign language, the formation of students’ sociolinguistic competence for effective use of the target foreign language in different social contexts.

6М0201300 – Лингвистика

History and Philosophy of Science

Куличенко Ю.Д.

The discipline “History and Philosophy of Science” is the scientific course which belong to the system of disciplines of under graduating level of professional education. The aim of this course is a study of modern knowledge in the field of philosophy of science. The tasks of “History and Philosophy of Science” are include review the general problematic of philosophical basis of science and study the main stages of the history of formation and development of science, the comprehension of science in the vast social and cultural context and historical development, the analysis of main world outlook and methodical problems, which arise in the modern stage of scientific development.

Scientific paradigm of general linguistics

Куличенко Ю.Д.

The present program is the typical program of a course «Scientific paradigms of the general linguistics» which is studied in a magistracy of philological faculties. The program provides the practical purposes – to give a management on the thematic and substantial organisation of a course.

In the process of development the science about language has undergone considerable changes in connection with evolution of the general scientific paradigms, philosophical, methodological and general-theoretical rating of the nature and essence of language, forms and the reasons of its historical changes, ways and knowledge methods. Therefore the main purpose of the course is treatment of the basic scientific paradigms and directions of a modern science about language in concordance with the general theoretical-methodological forward development of scientific knowledge. The course urged to deepen the general linguistic preparation of undergraduate-philologists and to give new knowledge on the important problems of the theory of language, history and methodology of linguistics. The discipline content includes the analysis of concepts «paradigm», «style-thinking», «the research program», «discourse-analysis» in their applicability to linguistic knowledge, are studied various systems of paradigms in linguistics, are outlined opportunities of transition to an integrated paradigm of the description of language.

Computational Linguistics

Куличенко Ю.Д.

Досанова А.М.

The discipline “Computational Linguistics“ is destined for the increase of knowledge of students in the field of the modern computer technology in linguistics' sphere. The aim of this course is the acquirement of knowledge by the modern innovation computer technologies, which was created for the scientific purposes and investigations of the language expert. The focus of this discipline aim at solving not only the theoretical problem, but also to get PC skills and common view on the modern linguistic software programs.

Ontology and methodology of linguistics

Сулейменова Э.Д., Куличенко Ю.Д.

In the module the most typical shifts in ontology and linguistics methodology are considered: from atomism (Neogrammarian – beginnings of the XIX-th century) through systemacy (linguistic structuralism of the beginning of the middle of the XX-th century) to discursive notion about language (boundary ХIХ-ХХ of centuries), i.e. from reductionism of object to its infinite expansion in different «directions» to «sovereign» linguistics, or differentiation and integration (expansionism) linguistic disciplines; change of fundamental repre­senta­tions about language or «an image of language». Studying of the given discipline is caused by constantly extending circle of problems which join in linguistics subject domain, use of methodology and methods of interdisciplinary sciences, and also appreciable achievements of linguistics in applied areas which force to estimate a place and knowledge of linguistics differently.

Discourse Linguistics

Шайкенова Л.М., Карагойшиева Д.А.

To give detailed enough and high-grade representation about concept "discourse", criteria and types of discourse and their features, to consider a discourse as complete set functionally organized, units of the use of language

Language and society

Карагойшиева Д.А.

This course will consider the interrelation between language and society. The aim of course is to study the language situation in some state, e.g. in Kazakhstan and in the USA, the role of bilingualism and multilingualism in society, the form of existence of national languages (dialects, colloquial, literary language), the analyze of language policy in the state, the problem of state and official language, the function of language in different sphere of society (education, administration, daily). Language defines in this course as a social phenomenon. A society, or a human society, is a group of people related to each other through persistent relations, or a large social grouping sharing the same geographical or virtual territory, subject to the same political authority and dominant cultural expectations.

6М021000 –

Иностранная филология

Foreign Phlology: General Metodology Theory in Linguistics

Карагойшиева Д.А.

Кондыбаева Р.Ж.

Foreign Philology: General Methodology Theory in Linguistics studies of ways and methods of scientific cognition of environment and human society. General Methodology based on knowledge of general laws of nature and society, relevant and essential to all sciences without any exceptions. Special Methodology based on knowledge about peculiarities of an object of cognition of a concrete science. The aim of this course is to study the nature of the internal and external linguistics. The subject of internal linguistics is to investigate language as a systematic and structural formation on basis of its substantial features. The subject of external linguistics is to investigate functional features of language. External linguistics is a boundary discipline originated at a turn of two sciences: internal linguistics and human sciences.

Language corpus:BNC

Азаматова А.Х.

A national corpus is created by linguists (specialists in corpus linguistics, a fast-developing discipline) for academic research and language teaching. The main purpose of the corpus is to facilitate academic research on the lexicon and grammar of a language, as well as the subtle but constant processes of language change within a relativey short period of time.

Most of the major world languages have their own corpora. A well-recognized example is the British National Corpus, which is used as a model for many modern corpora.

This discipline introduces students with some theoretical and practical problems of corpus linguistics; application of modern information technologies in linguistics and in the linguistic analysis; the basic methods of creation and use of national linguistic corpuses as a whole and British National Corpus in particular. It gives students representation about work with computer programs, which enable the philological information.

The English Language as a Historical System

Турумбетова Л.А.

The course “The English language as a historical system” is intented to acquaint magisters with the main events of the English language development from the ancient times till modern days. The historical background of the main pecularities of functioning of English language are given in the course. Different concepts of advantages and disadvantages of English as a global language, the role of English in the modern world are considered in the course.

History of the English Language and its National Variants

Турумбетова Л.А.

The course “The History of the English language and its national variants” is intented to acquaint magisters with the main pecularities of functioning of English language in the modern world. The historical characteristics of the main variants of the English language are given in the course. Different concepts of linguistic science such as national language, literary language, socio-linguistic situation, lingua franca are considered in the course too.

Interpretation of English Scientific Texts and Translation

Ағылшын ғылыми мәтінІнің интерпретациясы және аударма / Интерпретация английского научного текста и перевод /

Таева Р.М.

The aim of the course is to further develop the professional competence of graduates: the formation of skills of foreign language performance as a means of scientific and academic communication and the formation of activity-related strategies to correct understanding and use of the foreign language in the situations of academic and scientific communication. The course focuses on the problems of translation, linguo-stylistic and pragmatic bases of text interpretation. The course provides the improvement of translation skills taking into account the pragmatic-functional and linguo-stylictic peculiarities of the text. The objectives of the course include the development of translation and intercultural competences.

Аналитиқалық оқу / Аналитическое чтение / Analytical Reading

Досыбаева Г.К.

Analytical reading gives an opportunity to the students to get impression about text, about its content, art value.

6D0201300 – Лингвистика


Азаматова А.Х.

Subject of study of discipline «Meta-language of linguistics and terminology» is the terminological system of linguistics forming a basis of meta-language in given branch of science.

Purpose of discipline is a complex studying and the description of linguistic meta-language, in particular, process of functioning and development of its rod component – terminology of linguistics regarding definition of its etymological properties, in an establishment of semantic, structural and onomasiologic features.

Теория дискурса в преподавании и обучении языкам

Шайкенова Л.М.

This course focuses on discourse analytic approaches to research in education and related areas of inquiry. It will consider discourse analysis through an interdisciplinary lens and through traditions that range from interactional sociolinguistics and narrative analysis to conversation analysis and critical discourse analysis. The course is intended for advanced doctoral students who have already taken introductory courses in educational inquiry and who would like to learn about discourse analysis to advance their own educational research endeavors.

Fossilization in Learning a Second Language

Таева Р.М.

The course acquaints doctoral students with the problems connected with research in the field of second (foreign) language acquisition, with contemporary scientific approaches to studying the peculiarities and mechanisms of second (foreign) language acquisition. The course considers the problem of fossilization and its role in language acquisition. The themes of the course include such issues as different theories and models of second language acquisition: Steven Krashen’s hypothesis, the Acculturation Моdel, the Nativization Моdel, Accomodation Theory, Discourse Theory, the Variable Competence Model, a Neurofunctional Theory, etc.

The General Theory of Testology

Мустафина Г.К.

The course deals with the theoretical and practical issues involved in assessment in foreign language teaching, clarifies some of the fundamental principles of testing such as Reliability, Validity, Practicality, presents types of testing and suggests techniques to each types of tests.